The Morning of...

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When I woke up the next morning, I didn’t realise that it was my wedding day. It wasn’t until I sat up with my back against the velvet pillows and looked around my hotel room that it dawned on me; that something was missing. A note by the bedside table caught my attention, so I carefully leant over to grab hold of it to see what it said.

‘Only a few more hours until you will officially be Mrs Tommo, as tradition goes, I cannot see you until the wedding but don’t worry the girls will look after you for now. Love Lou x’ it read.

I felt a stray tear leave my eye, and so I jumped out to see exactly who was staying in the suite with me. I figured if Lou wasn’t here then maybe he’d taken the boys with him.

“Hello?” I called down the hallways, as I made my way out into the kitchen. Nothing seemed out of place, but I was never one to notice detail.

“There you are.” A voice I know very well came from behind me.

“Harry.” I turned around to face him, he was dressed in a baggy T-shirt and brightly coloured board shorts, a shy smile on his face.

“It’s your big day.” He said softly, looking into my eyes.

“I know.” I just couldn’t believe it, I never imagined this day would ever come and it finally was, the tears came back into my eyes and Harry noticed them.

“Don’t cry.” He came closer and gave me a friendly rub on the back.

“I’m just so happy.” I told him laughing through the tears.

“I know.” He said, bringing me in for a hug, “You’re going to be the most beautiful bride in the world.” He promised, gently rubbing my shoulder.

“Harry?” I asked, and he stopped moving.

“Yeah?” he answered letting go of me.

“What happened with Lila?” I wanted to know, he sighed pulling at his curls.

“We broke up.” He admitted, not wanting to look at me.

“W-w-what?” I spluttered in confusion.

“Hey, it doesn’t matter today is all about you stop worrying about me and Lila.” He smiled for reassurance.

“But I want to know, if I don’t I’ll only worry about it the whole time and then the wedding will be ruined.” He knew I had a point.

“Okay well she told me she didn’t want to be with me anymore and that the baby thing was what made her realise it.”

“Oh, that’s really rough Harry I’m sorry.” It was my turn to comfort him.

“Na its fine, I saw it coming.” I wasn’t sure if he meant it, but it was good enough for me. We just stood there staring at each other until a very loud annoying sister of mine barged in.

“Jay you’re never going to guess what.” Tamy said as soon as she entered the kitchen, my instant reaction was to panic and that’s exactly what I started to do.

“What is it?” I freaked and she just smiled.

“Oh nothing bad, just you should see the earrings Lottie bought me, aren’t they amazing?” she lifted up her hair to show me the jewellery that dangled from her earlobes.

“They are gorgeous.” I complimented her and didn’t even notice that Harry had left the room.

“I know right.” She seemed really excited; it was great to see her smiling.

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