The Ceremony!!

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I walked down the front of the congregation, I cannot even remember how I'd got there, not remembering even walking down that aisle. I knew my friends and family had been watching their eyes were pealed on us all taking our steps towards the next step in my life. Louis looked over towards me and a giant smile spread on his lips, his eyes lit up at the very site of me. Everyone slowly took their seats as I stood there next to my lover. The rest of our bridal party took their positions nearby, having Lila next to me and Harry beside Louis.

We all bowed our heads in prayer, although I could hardly concentrate on the prayers that were being said. I knew God would forgive me, as He loved me no matter what I did. The minister just as everyone else in the room all ended the prayer with 'Amen.' And I knew that it meant this was only the beginning. I could hardly contain my excitement, especially when I say that Louis shared the exact same excited look in his eye as I. The crowd all began to take their seats but i hardly took notice all I could think about was getting married, as soon as that ring was on my finger I had planned to snog the hell out of my husband. One of the benefits of being an actress, you lose the nervousness of kissing in front of crowds.

"You look beautiful." Lou whispered, and I started to blush. He still had that affect on me after all those years!

The minister spoke, addressing the crowd. He then turned to my father who was standing on the other side of me. I smiled at my daddy as he was smiling at me.

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" The minister asked him, he proudly took my hand in his and looked me in the eye.

"Her Mother and I do." He spoke with pure pride as he looked at me, his eldest child on the happiest day of her life.

"Let me charge you both to remember, that your future happiness is to be found in mutual consideration, patience, kindness, confidence, and affection. Louis it is your duty to love Jay as yourself, provide tender leadership, and protect her from danger. Jay, it is your duty to treat Louis with respect, support him, and create a healthy, happy home. It is the duty of each of you to find the greatest joy in the company of the other; to remember that in both interest and affection, you are to be one and undivided." The minister directed at as, and we both looked at each other, giving the reassuring nod to one another. My heart was racing, a part of me wanted to get this all over with so I could enjoy the rest of my life as his wife, and the other part of me wanted to take this all slowly and savor every single moment. I had no doubt that Louis felt the same way. I could hear people crying in the background and I was almost certain that one of those people had to be my mother, I didn't turn around but the image of Mum holding onto Zac and balling her eyes out came to my imagination!

"Louis William Tomlinson, do you take Jasmina Christine Wilton to be your wedded wife and in the presence of these witnesses do you vow that you will do everything in your power to make your love for her a growing part of your life? Will you continue to strengthen it from day to day and week to week with your best resources? Will you stand by her in sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, and will you shun all others and keep yourself to her alone as long as you both shall live?" The minister asked Louis, he turned to face me before he answered.

"I do." He said softly, yet loud enough for everyone to still be able to hear his words. Tears began to well up in my eyes, I begged them to stay dry at least until I got to my vows!

"Jasmina Christine Wilton , will you have Louis William Tomlinson to be your husband, to live together as friend and mate? Will you love him as a person, respect him as an equal, sharing joy as well as sorrow, and triumph as well as defeat. And keep him beside you as long as you both shall live?" The minister asked me, and I took no hesitation before giving him my answer.

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