The After Effect.

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I didn’t want to get out of bed; I was in a state of depression knowing that he wasn’t coming home. What had happened in Australia was entirely my fault, I didn’t care is Harry wanted to blame himself because deep down it was a choice and I chose wrong.

A knock on my bedroom door caused me to peep my head out from beneath the covers. I knew who it was even though deep down I was hoping it was someone else.

“You have to come out eventually.”Harry pestered sitting down on the bed beside me. I felt sick as his hand lightly touched my body as he fell down beside me. How could I stand to look at him and not remember what I had done?

“You know he’ll be back soon.” He assured me, taking a bite from his toast, his words were meant to be reassuring but they didn’t have that effect on me at all.

“Just stop.” I pleaded, trying to be brave as I sat up to face him. “Please stop pretending that it’s all okay.”Tears fell from my tired eyes. I ducked away from him as he tried to comfort me. It was wrong for me to take it out on him, yet it was ever so easy.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered adverting his gaze to the other side of the bedroom.

“No wait, I’m sorry.” I wiped my tears away with the edge of my sleeve before reaching over to hold his warm hand.

“When he’s ready to come home, I’m moving out.” He promised, gazing into my eyes. Usually I loved it when he did that, I loved the safe feeling his eyes brought to my stomach but not this time, this time I didn’t want him to look into my dried out eyes that were all raw from emotion. What girl in her right mind would want him looking at them when they looked bloody awful?

“Have you spoken to Lila?” I said while avoiding eye contact, letting go of his hand.


“You should.”

“Why?” he sounded angry or maybe even hurt.

“Well I think she should know what really happened Harry.” I pointed out, tilting my head and staring up at him. A small cheeky smile appeared on his sleepy face but he shook his head as a response.

“She hasn’t asked me to explain myself.” He slowly answered finishing off his breakfast.

“But you know she wants one.”

“That’s beside the point and you know it.” With that he poked me right in the middle of my forehead as he jumped out of bed.

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