Male Tsundere reader x female Part 7 end?

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As I said this was going to be on Monday which is actually starting to make me happy and not as sad as I was since I kept on doubting myself but I guess since I kept on seeing more people reading this and for that I thank you for anyone reading this. Enough talk here's your chapter. 

One week later

Lisa POV 

It's been one week ever since we had our special weekend which was very how should I say it we were like rabbits and I guess we'll be great parents. I guess from those 10 rounds in one weekend was enough to make me pregnant but I don't need to worry since we're both in our senior year, and graduation is in 2 months and I barely need to go to my classes since my credit is complete.

Lucy(mom): "So Lisa how are my grandchildren in you, I hope their female twins." My mom said all giddy.

Reo(dad): "Just make sure that they have a great traits like yourself and-" His phone went off "Oh hi Ruby it's been a long time wait Sapphire has disappeared well where was she last seen." His old friend Ruby told him.  

Belle: "What's going on. I heard someone disappeared."

"Supposedly Ruby called and said Sapphire disappeared a week ago." While I finished my mother had her fists closed and blank eyes.

Lucy: "Belle could I talk to for a few minutes, we have to deal with some problems that need to be "taken care of" in which would take a day at least."

As mom finished they went to the kitchen while I stayed with my dad as he finished the call with Ruby.

Reo: "Well she's worried sick about that's for sure I remember on how we were the most closet friends and on how our groups would make fun of how we were a couple but when your mom appeared it was different with her than ruby so I followed my heart." He said while looking at photo of all of us which looked like a happy family.

But anyway I told (Y/N) about me being pregnant and he started going estastic then when he calmed down he lifted my shirt to expose my stomach and started to caress and kiss my stomach and I have to admit it was adorable.

I don't know what happened during my sisters date it seemed as though it went smoothly. I decided to walk to the back yard and sit there listening to the wind as I suddenly felt two hands come around me and caress my stomach, immediately I knew it was my tsundere lover. 

(Y/N): "Hello my baka and mother to my child. I hope it's female twins."

"Well we won't know until some time later tsun. But I hope their born healthy oh yeah I'm wondering would you like to go the store and buy me some meat please."

(Y/N): "Sure pumpkin."


As I walked to the front of the house I smelled something horrendous like someone died and pulled my coat over my mouth as I walked to the he back and opened the door I found the mutilated body of sapphire with her organs removed including her reproduction system.

As I reached for my phone I felt a 2 knives near my throat.

Lucy: "You know it be very sad for the boy giving me grandchildren to die or leave in a mysterious way."

Belle: "You better keep your mouth shut I love my little sister and I don't want to get rid of anything precious to her also I've worked way to hard just for your brother to leave me were having sex tomorrow which will begin me having his children."

"Your going after Ruby next aren't you." I asked with questioning.

Belle: "Hm your smart you see Ruby liked my dad but my mom got to him first Ruby was devastated but moved on and had Sapphire but she went after Emery so I killed her and Ruby is next, like mother like daughter so you better shut up and don't tell anyone not even your brother also here some meat for my sister so we good?"


They pushed me out of the room and I walked to the kitchen to cook the meat and try to get rid of what I saw.

Lisa: "Were going to eat that meat then I will act like a loli and be your so be rough as you want as I will be an innocent cinnamon bun that has your child."

"I fucking love you Lisa." As I finished I grabbed Lisa by the waist and hungrily took her lips and took her upstairs so she could claim me as I became submissive in bed but I would claim her already with her bearing my young.

6 years later 

Lisa POV  

It's been 6 years ever since me and (Y/N) got together and we have 3 children 2 twins that are 6 years old and a 3 year old surprise all of them were girls. The twins got respective traits from us Gwen got (F/C) hair and wine red eyes, Stacy got brown hair and (F/C) eyes, and Laura got mixed traits from us chimera eyes  wine red right eye and and (F/C) left eye her hair is blonde with streaks of (F/C) in her hair.

My sister also got married to Emery and the wedding was fabulous but I can't remember how many kids like 6 at least. But I can't wait to see my children grow up into adults and find their choices and besides it runs in the family right Sharkrom.


So what does that mean? No but in all seriousness I might end up making anotHer story based on the chimEra chiLd and go on from there I will be able to Post what's next character and oUr game of a Story huh I think my device glitched itself putting some letters capital, anyways I'll see you in the next story sharkrom out.

Male reader x female variousWhere stories live. Discover now