Male monster reader x female angel ( part 0 )

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So backstory with this because of I can actually make this longer than I think mainly because I'm taking the concept of the devil is a part timer and a bit of monster hunter.

I lived in a world where my kind is hunted down for materials like metal, skin, bones, claws, tusks, and even our blood mainly me since I came from a stronger more powerful monster known as an eidolon. My kind took many forms usually something small to get away from hunters to grab our blood since our blood is extremely poisonous and mainly healers hire the hunters to fetch my blood and mix with the right ingredients to create a powerful serum that increases ones attributes but at the cost of their sanity. 

We all start out as bones like soul broken apart by hunters some of the smaller minds actually have a sentience but the more larger ones don't have one at all but apparently I was lucky since I was a clump of bones near meat and metal and I remember when I was in a collective mind seeing a bird which I think was called a stormbird, another monster named Goliath but blue and supposedly very rare, and a metal one as well but had no arms which hunters brains called a thunderjaw.

We all start out as bones like soul broken apart by hunters some of the smaller minds actually have a sentience but the more larger ones don't have one at all but apparently I was lucky since I was a clump of bones near meat and metal and I rememb...

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Meteor Goliath 

Meteor Goliath 

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I had the body of the meteor goliath and took the metal and wires and incorporated them into my skin having the thrusters from the stormbird onto my back and having armor plating from thunderjaw to my back and legs and having what seems like canisters with a green liquid and wires going from my back and into the air and what seems like tube leading from the canisters to my mouth and the wings extended from my shoulders to my arms like shielding with wires radiating static energy while extended. My horns are the only feature that I showed and (F/C) energy seeped from openings in my armour and my mouth released a mist like effect. I knew I was a "new" monster to everyone until I picked up a scent of pure energy and knew what it was and crouched watching as my armour seemed to reflect more easily and my energy stopped flowing and my horns folded back as I watched the sky's and saw my other enemys, angels. 

Male reader x female variousWhere stories live. Discover now