chapter 21

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For the whole weekend we didn't do much because of my side. We had to check the scar every 2 hours. Ty slept with me on the couch for the weekend and on Monday I was still sore and tired so Ty want to school alone I wonder if he's being picked on, probably. But the worst thing is, I can't be there with him. I spent the day doing homework, cleaning for mrs. Lox, and I even made some cookies! Then I sat down, watched tv and waited for Ty.


Ok now I'm worried it's 3:40 and he was suppose to be home 20 minutes ago! I hope he's ok...


(Ty walks in the door at 3:56)

"Oh my gosh I thought you where hurt!" I said running up to give Ty a hug. He didn't answer. "Ty? I made cookies!"I looked up at him. Today he was wearing a black hoodie and had his hood up. His hood was covering most of his face, we'll, what his brown hair didn't. "Ty, what's wrong?" I asked confused.

"Nothing, I'm fine" he said sternly. He pushed away from the hug and went upstairs.

"What wrong with him" I said softly siting back on the couch. About 10 minutes later Ty's mom came home.

"Hey dear!" She said

"Hi, mrs lox" I said looking up from the tv.

"Where's Tyler?" She asked putting her bag down.

"He went upstairs" I said. She nodded

"So, I see you cleaned. Very nice, thank you" she said

"I guess I'll go to school tomorrow" I said

"No no no, your staying home this week" mrs. Lox said

"Ok" I said

"Come hear, I got pizza" said mrs lox

"Yay pizza!" I said as I sat at the table. Mrs lox handed me a pice and called for Ty.

"Ty, honey pizza!" She yelled

"I'll get it later!" Ty yelled. She looked at me with a 'what's his problem' kind of look. I just shrugged and ate my pizza.

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