Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of alarm and as soon as I opened my eyes and shifted to turn of the alarm, I almost feel like my head is splitting into half. I think I drank too much last night.
I'm supposed to go to the gym but my head hurts so I decided to just stay home and sleep and study for out mock thesis defense this Tuesday. I groaned and headed to the kitchen just to see my sister talking to Mia and Lilian "What are you two doing here?" I asked them while getting a bottle of water in the fridge.
"I picked you three at the bar. Is there really no one who remembers?" My sister, Portia asked.
"Naah" the girls said in chorus.
"Whatever, I'm going shopping I'll leave y'all here. The advils' are beside the fridge, there's coffee and I cooked pancakes go help yourselves. Byeee" she waved picked up her key and left.
"I'll go right after breakfast." Mia said
"Uhm, don't you mind if I eat here?" Lilian said
"No no you can stay here as long as you want Lilian" i winked and she just rolled her eyes and said "just call me Lily"
5 months later Lily became closer to us guys.She,Mia and I also use to hangout at the cafe or at home but we are the closet of them all.
We even go to gym together, shop clothes,cook in her chicken, binge watch series and so much typical things friends do. I even  learned that she loved reading book, that she's obsessed with coffee, an ABM student, a future CPA. She's very jolly, smart, loves to go out and study as well, and she lives only with her mother because her whole family had migrated in New York.
I wonder what she's doing right now. I think I miss her.
I pulled up my phone and typed
"What are you up tonight?"
"Nothing. Literally. You?"
"Just have got to go get groceries. Wanna come?"
"Sounds good. I'm craving for strawberry icecream"
"Well. I still have a bunch here. Come over before we go grocery shopping?"
"It seems like as time goes by, you become greater and greater you're already becoming my favorite person.
"You're my favorite and the best for me. Don't tell Mia she'll get jealous HAHA. I'll see you!"
Lily has almost finished the tub of ice cream.
She's whining about how fine she is and I'm totally not agreeing with her. Actually, I'm kidding. She's so damn fine and I feel like I  already like her as a woman and not as a friend. The way her jaw tense when she got mad, the way her eyes close a bit longer after she sighs when she feel sad, the way her lips quiver when she's cold and vulnerable, the way her eyes lit up and her perfect teeth shows when she's very happy, the way she tilts her head back when she laugh. Everything about her seemed so perfect.
The thing is I can't tell her that I admire her and I like her. I'm too scared to tell everything to her cause she might get scared and walk away. She knows how exactly I am when it comes to dating. She knows how i get tired chasing girls in just few weeks. She knows how many times I've broke some girls heart. The worst thing is I know she have trust issues. It's better this way. It's better to keep her beside me all the time without her knowing how thankful I am to have her than to lose her for the rest of my life.
I can't afford to feel this anymore. I don't want to mess everything up. It's better this way.
She poked my head with her finger getting me back to the real world. To the present. I looked at her and my vision blurred. Everything went slow. She was saying something but I can't hear and comprehend it.
She snapped me back to reality when she slapped me at my right cheek.
"What's happening to you? You look so stupid why are you spacing out " she's laughing hysterically while i keep my eyes at her studying all her features. She's so gorgeous.
She grabbed my arm. Slightly done with making fun of me, pulling me out of the door to walk to the store.

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