Chapter 5

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I was on my 16th shot of tequila and 4th bottle of beer and I'm already intoxicated.
Roaming my eyes around the bar, i saw something that is least expected. I saw Lily beside a guy who's arm is around her shoulder. Laughing enthusiastically about something that the guy said behind her ears. Rage engulfed me, All i see is black and red. Derek saw me clenching my fist and looked at the side where my eyes are fixated. I was about to stand up to punch the one who's touching my girl when Caleb and Derek held me to calm me a bit.

"Hey don't make a scene. Remember that you're not in the right place to do what you're thinking and that you're not on your right mind. You're drunk." They reminded me.

That scene always played on my mind. I can't get it off of my mind no matter how hard I try. Ever since that day, I limited my time with Lily. She texted me to meet up but I always lied about doing my school requirements. I don't know why I act like this. Maybe because I got hurt and don't want to make it worse. I even saw a picture of them at their Graduation Ball holding each other's hand.

"Austin Shae Cruz" our class adviser said in the microphone. I walked to him and receive my High School diploma. I shaked hand with a few people from our school and bowed in front of everybody.

The whole family is chitchatting at our living room, done with the dinner that Mom prepared as a celebration of my graduation. I felt my phone vibrating from my pocket and saw Anna's face in the screen.
"Hey" i greeted cheerfully.
"Uhm hi, congrats on your graduation."
"Anyway that's not the reason why I called. Lily's my friend but you're my friend too. She doesn't want you to know but you have the right to.
What is it Anna? i said utterly confused.
I know that you guys like each other but both of you is a big coward. Please Austin, be the one to make the biggest step before you both lose each other.
Why? I mean why would we lose each other? What is the exact thing that is happening Anna tell me , I'm already clouded with so much confusion and fear.
Lily got accepted to Columbia University. Her flight is at 8 p.m. Its...
I didn't let Anna finish and rushed to get Moms car. I got to the airport in exactly 40 mins. It's 7:15 and I still gotta find her.

Exhausted and out of breath, our eyes locked and she smiled heavenly. I took 6 long strides and she got on her feet to come to me.
Facing each other, I sighed and hugged her tightly. She hugged me back and whispered sadly "It took you so long."
I held her shoulders and looked her in her beautiful hazel eyes.
I'm sorry Lil, I'm very sorry that I'm such a coward. "My hands slide down her shoulders to hold her hands.
"Please give me a chance to show you how special you are to me. I'm sorry that it took me so long to realize that I
can't live without you. Please stay." I begged and held her face to my palms.
"You know I can't " she said with eyes full of sorrow.
"I love you Lil. I'm sorry if I'm too scared to admit it.
Sorry if i was a jerk. Sorry if i was so dumb and all. Can you still give me a chance? Can we still go back to the way we used to be? Can we..."
"Ssshhh, stop apologizing and asking." This time she held my face.
You know that I feel the same way. I knew that you will come to realize it soon and here you are. "She smiled" I forgive you. I'm sorry if I just waited and didn't ever made an effort." Her smile faltered a bit. "But I love you too Austin" she giggled.
I hugged her again and kissed her on the forehead.
"Are we boyfriends and girlfriends now? Am I finally out of the friend zone? She asked with a dazzling smile.
"Exactly" we laughed in chorus.
She led me to the sit beside her luggage.
"Can we do a long distance relationship? Can we make this work?"
I'm perfectly sure beautiful." I tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear and hugged her again. This is just the start."

The End!!

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