Calvin the (Chevrolet) Colorado

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This will be updated if needed

Calvin C. Colorado

Full Name:
Calvin Chevrolet (Chevy) Colorado


Dustin (original name)

-A.I. Cyborg

Chevrolet Colorado Z71

Made in:
Detroit, US (unknown year production for the 2018 model)





Detroit, US

(Will be updated)

5'10.5" (5 foot, 10 1/2 inches)


Ability Type:


-as a cyborg he has a fit body which is agile and flexible, helping him to pull off impressive physical abilities.
-He's skilled in hand to hand combat, skilled with firearms and other weapons, and has fast reflexes too to aid him in these feats.
-he also has the physical ability to mimic other voices and sound when he is in his cyborg form and car form (he speaks through the talking touch screen interface and radio).
-He's clever and can be often very sneaky, swift and observant especially since he is intelligent.
-He can professionally disguise himself.
-He can think fast especially in sticky situations.
-His eyes in both forms can project images and other realistic holograms. They can be used to trick people or they can simply be a picture of someone trying to show him something or it can be something he'd like to display. He can also see GPS mapping through his eyes. Other things such as night vision display and more can be used.
-His eyes and cheek markings, which are like headlights in the cyborg form, glow and he can use a high beam glow to blind people temporarily if needed. It can also be useful for seeing in the dark. This is also a useful technique when in his car form.
-as a car, he can emit a sleeping gas from inside and outside the car that can knock out people if needed. For example: rowdy and violent criminals he catches.
-as a human cyborg he can also emit sleeping gas from his mouth and hands.
-he also has the ability to see behind himself without turning around in both cyborg and car form due to having a back view camera. As a cyborg it's hidden but it's there.
-etc. (may be updated)

(All Sources and Info was taken from this wiki page. All credit goes to them at -
-Super Speed: though as a car he can only reach 140mph, in his cyborg form, he can go much faster; he can reach close to the speed of sound but can't surpass it.
-Agrokinesis aka Chlorokinesis aka Plant Manipulation: the power to control, manipulate and materialize plants and things related to it (such as fruit, wood, flowers, moss. He can even use this on plants in concentrated form such as clothes, paper, paper money, etc). He can use this in many ways such as:
••creating plant/vine/thorn/etc. walls or other obstacles that can trap or block people, animals, cars, etc.
More info on Plant Manipulation:
••can create, shape and manipulate Plantlife, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. He can cause plants to grow, move/attack or even rise from the soil and "walk", mutate plants by rearranging DNA structure and revive withered or dead plants.
He can use their power for defense and support by growing plants from the ground and make them sprout seeds/fruits/berries, or even to possibly use plant chemicals to heal people or objects or manipulate their properties for a wide range of effects.
He can use this power also as a series of offensive techniques on a target. Using the plants as weapons enables him to grasp and strike with vines and roots, project thorns at a distance, and quickly regenerate the withering weapons at his will. He can make vines grow and climb around a target's neck, causing choking, or even strike with plants. A more subtle technique he can use is to release damaging toxins and pheromones, affecting targets in which conditions should be treated quickly with ailments.
He may also be able to control plants in their altered forms, i.e. concentrated forms, such as cotton clothing/fabric, paper, etc.
Uses & Abilities:
* Flower Manipulation
* Fruit/Vegetable Manipulation
* Latex Manipulation, some plants produce this as a defense.
* Leaf Manipulation
* Manipulate the properties of plants.
* Move/lift plant material.
* Flight using plant material.
* Matter Surfing using plant material.
* Oxygen Generation plant life produce oxygen.
* Pheromone Manipulation manipulate plant pheromones
* Poison Manipulation manipulate secondary plant chemicals, which are poisons.
* Mental Hallucination via plant toxins
* Manipulate the properties of plant toxins.
* Plant Attacks
* Plant Empathy
* Plant Enhancement
* Plant Generation
* Plant Growth
* Pollen Manipulation
* Rearrange the genetic structure in plants, including creation of mutant plants.
* Sap Manipulation
* Seed Manipulation
* Seismic Sense through plants.
* Spore Manipulation
* Vine Manipulation
Can use as:
* Chlorokinetic Combat
* Chlorokinetic Scrying
* Chloropoeia
* Floraportation
* Leaf Projection
* Healing Plant
* Plant Aura
* Plant Empowerment
* Plant Merging
* Plant Mimicry
* Plant Portal Creation
* Alcohol Manipulation
* Architecture Manipulation for buildings of wood, bamboo, etc.
* Biological Manipulation - plants are biological life forms.
* Carbon Manipulation
* Environment Manipulation
* Flora Energy Manipulation
* Food Manipulation limited to plant material.
* Forest Manipulation
* Harvest Manipulation
* Latex Manipulation
* Light Absorption from photosynthesis.
* Nature Manipulation
* Organic Manipulation
* Paper Manipulation plant based paper.
* Pheromone Manipulation
* Photosynthetic Blood
* Plant Kingdom Embodiment
* Poison Generation and/or Miasma Emission as users can manipulate any harmful toxins from the floral kingdom.
* Sugar Manipulation
••etc. it's practically anything involving plants
-shapeshifting. It's only limited to his forms however (go see forms to know about them).
-etc (may be updated)

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