after the rain.

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Rain knocks rather insistently on my window
It wants in
It desperately wants in
It, or the storm that follows, rather, wants me
It wants to come take me, frighten me
Blind me with lights brighter than what any pair of eyes can take, blast me with thunder so loud that i can still hear it, and only it, even after it's finished
But the glass, it shields me
This house, it's my shelter from the rain storm
The rain is what makes the storm, the coming disaster, seem almost harmless
Almost serene
Seems to make me think about toads that sleep peacefully now, under the cool sensation of the mud against they're smooth skin that the rain has provided for them
They've just been laying in plain old dirt all this time
But now they really sleep, and they sleep well
The rain lulls everyone to sleep
Calms us down, protects us
Makes us feel safe
This glass, this house, it protects us, shields us
But from what?
Why run from the rain?
I don't want to keep running from the rain
I want to run to it
Jump in its puddles, feel it cool against my skin
I want to get soaked and feel fine afterwards, because I know that I will eventually dry
The rain lulls us all, each and every creature on this planet, to sleep
It keeps us at peace, and it soothes us
So that when the storm finally does come
Everyone's already fallen asleep
And we wake up to the sun
No one even knew there was a storm
No one heard it
We could only tell because of the puddles,
the muddy ground beneath us, and every window being covered in tiny water droplets they hung on to
No one heard the thunder?
No, no one at all.
No one heard anything after the rain.

beautiful, let's find our rain.

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