Chapter Five

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After being in the car with Tyler’s family for about five minutes, Mackenzie almost regretting going on the “date.” Even though there was music playing softly, an awkward silence filled the air. She quickly looked around the car, hoping to find something to talk about.

          Though she knew it would be rude, she reached down into her bag to grab her phone. Maybe she could text Kendall or something; she had always given good advice about boys.

          Mackenzie’s phone vibrated in her hand, and she quickly glanced down at it. Tyler had texted her. She leaned forward in her seat and smiled at him.

          Tyler’s younger brother, Carter, had insisted on sitting in the middle seat, and Tyler didn’t want to leave Mackenzie in the back seat with him, so all three of them were squished together.

Tyler: You’re bored, aren’t you?

Mackenzie: It’s just quiet

Tyler: It’s usually like that in our car

Mackenzie raised an eyebrow. This was so different from her car.

Mackenzie: Okay…

She put her phone back in her bag and glanced out the window. Okay so, awkward silence wasn’t something she could fix. 


          “Are you all ready to order?”

          Mackenzie glanced up at a waitress who looked about twenty-five years old. Tyler’s mother, who had insisted that Mackenzie call her Elizabeth, had taken them to a restaurant that was owned by her friend. It was called Topsy Turvy and was one of those places where they served dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner. She’d said they didn’t go there often but always meant to.

          “Yes, we are. Carter you go first.” Elizabeth said.

          The six year-old looked up at the waitress, “I wish to devour UNBORN CHICKENS!”

          Mackenzie watched in awe as almost every head in the small restaurant turned to them. Tyler had his head in his hands, and Elizabeth was blushing profusely. The waitress and Mackenzie locked gazes for a second; they were both equally confused.

          “Eggs, he wants eggs,” the boys’ mother whispered “Um, I’ll have the vegetable, egg-white omelet.”

          “What about you?” The waitress glanced over at Tyler.

          “Can I get the banana crème pancakes?”

          “Sure, sweetie, but that’ll a lot of food.”

          “Why don’t you share that with Mackenzie; she looks a bit…lost,”

          Mackenzie didn’t know why she did, but she blushed. Even though they would only be sharing food-probably off separate plates-she felt odd. 

          After the waitress left, silence reigned again, so with a sigh, Mackenzie attempted to start a conversation.

          “So Carter…unborn chickens?” She said. It was a lame attempt, but she was trying.

          “I don’t like the word we’re supposed to use. It sounds ugly.” He replied, matter-of-factly.

          “Okay. That’s reasonable.”


          Why am I here? Mackenzie thought.

          Tyler was so different at school. He was normally fun, sometimes a bit quiet, but fun. They’d taken a hard science test that day. Maybe he was just tired or something. Or maybe he just didn’t want Mackenzie there. But why would he have invited her, if he didn’t want her there.

          “Be quiet, brain,” She muttered.

          Elizabeth suddenly stood up, breaking the silence, “I’m going to the bathroom. Mackenzie, you coming?”

          “Uh, sure,” She stood up and followed Elizabeth to the restroom.

          “I’m sorry,” Elizabeth said as soon as the door closed behind them.

          Mackenzie wrinkled her eyebrows, “For what?”

          “This isn’t at all what you expected. I know it isn’t; I can see it in your eyes.”

          “It’s just…I don’t really know, but Tyler is really different at school.”

          Elizabeth sighed, “He’ll be different tomorrow. Today just started awfully for him and got worse.”

          “Why? What happened?”

          “It’s up to him to decide whether or not to tell you.”

          Mackenzie nodded and quickly pulled her hair into a braid.  

          “He likes you. He likes you a lot.”

          Mackenzie looked over at Elizabeth, “What do you-”

          “Tyler really likes you Mackenzie. Don’t give up on him; he’s just a bit of a nut sometimes.”

“Oh, um…okay,” She responded.

Maybe going on this “date” had been worth it after all. 

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