Chapter Six

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Mackenzie sat in the back row of the bus, ear buds on and music blasting. She had been running her dance in her head since the moment they stepped on the bus. She just had to win this week. It was necessary.

Kendall pulled the ear buds out of Mackenzie’s ears, “Are you going to the Valentine’s Day dance?” She asked.

“No one’s asked me yet,” Mackenzie shrugged.

“That is so demeaning,” Nia piped up “The idea that men have to ask women. “

“I know, right.” Paige agreed.

“Why don’t you ask Tyler, Kenz? You’d be perfect together!” Maddie said.

Mackenzie frowned, “We’re just friends.”

“Really?” Maddie countered “Then then why did he ask you out on a date?”

“Ooo!” Chloe yelled.

“Tyler and Mackenzie sittin’ in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Paige sang.

“Be quiet!” Mackenzie felt her face burning, “And it wasn’t a date; his mom and his brother were there.”

“But you like him,” Asia said.

“I guess so,”

“And he likes you, right?”


“Then ask him to the dance!” Kendall screamed.

“Girls!” Abby yelled, “Quiet down back there! Some of us are trying to sleep!”

“Sorry, Miss Abby,” the girls said in unison.

“Okay, change of subject: if you do end up going to the dance, what are you going to wear, Kenz?” Paige asked.

Mackenzie raised an eyebrow, “That’s practically the same topic, but…I don’t know,”

“I remember what I went to my school’s dance,” Chloe said. “And my mom thought it was super formal, and I ended up wearing a super fancy dress, and all my friends showed up in, like, jeans and cute tops. Ugh, it was so embarrassing.”

“I found the perfect outfit!” Maddie exclaimed. She shoved her phone in her younger sisters face.

On the small screen there was a Sally Miller top and light blue jeans. The top was a cream color and very flowy; a black collar and an opening in the back made it look, well, fancy.

“I dunno what shoes you’d wear.” She admitted.

“Maybe black high-tops,” Chloe suggested “Those would look nice.”

“Or boat shoes,” Asia added.

“Why not let her wear your combat boots, Mads?” Kendall questioned.

Maddie laughed as if Kendall was kidding, “One does not simply, ask Madison Ziegler to give up her combat boots.” She said.

That was true. Maddie had been emotionally attached to those shoes since the day she got them. She wore them almost every day regardless of what was going on.

“C’mon, Maddie,” Mackenzie said, making her puppy dog face “It’d be perfect.”

The oldest Ziegler girl let out a sigh, “Fine…But you owe me.”

Mackenzie laughed and stuck her ear buds back in. Her favorite part of her dance would have to be the ending. She envisioned herself doing the two side aerials in a row before falling to the floor, sitting back up, and putting her hand over her heart. Mackenzie didn’t know why she liked it, she just did.

It was a very “Maddie” dance, meaning that she had to make the audience relate to her. She had to show the pain of being pushed down the little mountain she was climbing and the happiness of getting higher. It was very different from Mackenzie’s normal dances. Usually, she could just smile or look sad the whole time. Up until she was ten, she just made cute faces.

But this time, it would be different. Also, Mackenzie wanted to fin with this dance. No, she didn’t just want to win. She had to.

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