Girly Things They Do For You

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Yo, it's been a long time since I have updated. I am sorry for that, but we both needed a break.

No matter!! Let's get on with the chapter

Yuri Katsuki

Hair, despite his shaking and nervous stature. Yuuri is oh so kind and gentle when it comes to do doing your hair, he carefully brushes your locks, making sure he doesn't hurt you, his hands move gently through your hair as he works on your requested hairstlye. Often though he likes putting your hair into small braids, or just a single one. It doesn't matter though, he thinks your beautiful in everyway.

And that's something he wouldn't change for the world.

Yuri Plisetsky

Make-up, specifically eye shadow.

It's surprising that someone like him would do your make up, with his steady hands, they come in use here, he makes putting eye shadow on so easy. When he does put eye shadow on you, he chooses more bolder and bright colors that bring out your eyes, that's his favourite part about you by far.

And by the end of the day, he doesn't admit it, but he admires your beauty just the way you are.

Victor Nikiforov


He buys you lots of nail npolish and nail polish remover, when he buys nail polish, he let's you choose your colors, and after buying it, the two of you go to your place. From there, Victor paints your nails, making sure he doesn't get it on your skin, you wait patiently, amazed by how steady he was, he didn't get a single drop of nail polish on your skin.

And, if you really want, he'll put any design you wish on your already dried and painted nails, he would do anything to make you happy.

Kenjirou Minami

Baking. It might not seem so girly, but to him it was, you weren't complaining though.

The two of you spent hours making many sweets, cupcakes, cakes, cookies, bread, and a few others. You had lots of fun while baking, the two of you had mad a huge mess with, leaving flour everywhere, it took awhile to clean up, but you were glad to have Kenjirou by your side.

In the end, the two of you ending up selling the baked goods, and at the end, most of the money goes to charity. After awhile, it became a normal thing, Kenjirou doesn't mind as long as your by his side.

Jean-Jacques Leroy

Shopping, oh shopping.

JJ really loves shopping with you, he picks out differnt articles of clothing for you that match together and compliment your figure. And you do the same for him, well you try to. Basically you pick a piece of clothing for him, then he'd make an outfit from there, the two of you buy your top 2-4 favourite outfits before buying them.

When you get home too, the two if you do a bit of an outfir match and dress up. JJ is always excited to have you around, he thinks shopping is a great way to boost your self esteem.

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