What Pets You Have With Them

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Another chapter is done! Thank you to Bratzgirl23 for this idea!

Yuri Katsuki

Yuuri and you really debated on this topic. What pet would you guys get?

Yuuri wanted a pet who was calm and small, like a cat, but you, on the other hand, wanted something energetic and a reasonable size, maybe a dog. The two of you really discussed everything, talking about bills and affordable living spaces, the care that would be needed.

You guys thought about everything before finally setting on a bird, specifically a cockatoo, due to it's calm yet energetic aura, that's what the two of you had chosen.

It was hard at first since most things had to be learned first hand. Eventually, the two of you got the hang of it and are living with a healthy bird named (Pet's name).

Yuri Plisetsky 

Yurio and you were both a more laid back, chill sort of person at home, the two of you wanted a calm pet that lounged around like the two of you.

Both of you simply settled on a cat, no debates or responsibility talks, the two of you dropped everything and just got the cat, no questions needed or no questions asked, both of you just went with the flow. The cat was actually quite calming especially after Yurio's skating practices, even Potya, Yurio's other cat has no problems with the new feline friend, so in the end, everything worked out.

Victor Nikiforov 

At first, you were a bit reluctant about the idea, considering you guys had to deal with Makkachin despite the poodle being well trained and everything. But you slowly changed your mind when a few things came to mind.

it would be nice for the large poodle to have a friend while the two of you were away, knowing the poodle wasn't always alone now, it just gave the two of comfort, especially Victor. When adopting the puppy into the family, at first it was difficult to choose from, but eventually, you both settled on a young and healthy Old English Sheepdog named (Pet's name). 

Kenjirou Minami 

A hamster, it was an immediate yes for the two of you, considering you both were still young. The first day was hell, the two of you within the first hour lost the hamster in Kenjirou's house, it was complete chaos. 

It took the whole day, but you found the poor guy scurrying around the male's room, from then on out, the two of you kept a watchful eye on the hamster, of course, there are days where you forget who's watching the hamster. Yet, you still love the hamster nevertheless, you dubbed the hamster, (Pet's name)

Jean-Jacques Leroy

A turtle, you were confused by the actions the male had done. When you first got a glimpse of the turtle, you had a good idea already the type it was. 

The turtle was a Caspian Pond Turtle, the small thing confused you alright, but it took a few more minutes before you adored it, you took care of the turtle through all problems, doing your absoulte best. Eventually, you were able to transport the small pet with you guys as you traveled around since it was easily transportable. 

You and JJ named the turtle, (Pet's name)

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