Chapter Two: The Second Tragedy

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September 28, 20-

Two years ago it was...two years ago was when our dear friend Freddy couldn't handle living his sad life anymore and decided to take his own life. Although we never knew how he did it or why he didn't get help, it was understood later why it had to happen. We all learned quickly that death can bring people together in such an odd way. Tori and I are the perfect examples, as our prosperous relationship came at the cost of his loss. Even his dear friend Moe got to meet some new friends at his funeral, and he still hangs out with them as of today. He doesn't hang out with us much anymore as it just feels awkward, but he'll still come by and say hi from time to time. In other words, tragedy may not necessarily come with only gloom.

I bring up this memory because today we found out that we lost another Fountain Valley student. Her name was Lily, a fellow Fountain Valley Gopher [our school Mascot] who had lost her battle with cancer. She was a young Sophomore who's genuine kindness made her a favorite amongst students. She was well known in our band because she was friends with our lead trumpet player Ruby Valenzuela, and after she found out she agreed to play trumpet at her funeral. I wanted to go but it's today and I can't ask my parents if I can go somewhere last minute. Even though it's Friday and they work late Fridays, they have a good sense of when I didn't come home. Because of this, I know I need to find out some other way to give my condolences, but I'm not sure what to do yet. Maybe I'll just write a poem, that might work.

It's lunch now. Tori wasn't around as she went to make up a test, and I'm in the band room alone at the moment as I waited for the others to show up. I just heard the door to the orchestra room close. The lights turned off in the little room as I glanced at it. I walked over to see what happened, and I looked through the glass window of the room to find a girl crying right before me. With light pouring onto her young and slim body, I was able to recognize her. I've seen her around before, but she isn't in the band. She probably was related to someone in the band, and that's why she hangs out around us.

She was of great beauty, with hair of dark and silky appearance, and skin smoother than still water. Her face was also absolutely stunning even with the crying. I didn't want to see her cry, so I knocked on the door to see what was up only to get a gnarly glare back and have fear hugging my body. She got up and opened the door promptly and suddenly got a grasp of my tee shirt. With no warning or hesitation, I was thrust into the room and gobbled up by the sea of darkness.

I looked back at her now, and I realized this was the girl behind the light. She was breathing heavily from the crying, with sobs coming and going. She began talking to me.

"Why are you here?" Her voice was beautiful, it truly was, even with how sad it sounded.

"I heard the door slam from the other side of the room. I was wondering what happened, and I realized you were in here crying. Didn't want to leave you here alone, ya know?" My voice was shaking and I was showing my fear.

"Why would you care about me? Not like you've ever said hi to me, even when you saw me in the hallway and at the lake." Her saying that confirmed she was the girl, but how'd she know I saw her at the lake?

"I-I apologize for that, but I have a question. Why are you crying?"

"Do I have to tell you? Not like you'll care or anything." That can't be true if I had the nerve to acknowledge her in the first place.

"Please, maybe I can help you."

With a whimper, she told me, "It-It's Lily, okay? She was a great friend of mine, and-" she cried a bit, but continued, "and I can't believe no one told me she passed away. Why did this have to happen?" Her legs gave away and she fell back onto the wall and let her body slide down it. Now I couldn't see her at all.

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