Damnit Levy

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Hey guys, just a little fluff for you! Enjoy!

As planned, they met at the park everyday, worked on their project, and then got coffee. One time, Gajeel brought his dog.

After their third meeting, he stunned everyone at school when he broke up with Lisanna.

Everyone was even more shocked when he asked out Levy. She said yes, of course, and they fell in love in the park, drinking coffee and walking around, just talking. Gajeel didn't tell a soul about Levy's writing career, and she didn't tell him about her deadline. They finished their project in a week and a half but still met up at the park, and soon enough, they were watching Back to the Future at Gajeel's house. She had dinner with his family, and fell in love with every aspect of them.

They were inseparable. They were perfect.

Whenever Levy felt the urge to cough, she'd do it into a napkin or kleenex. The amount of blood intensified, and that was how she measured her remaining time. One day, the day before Christmas break, she started coughing and it didn't stop. Gajeel finally noticed the red kleenex, because she was using so many. He called an ambulance, and rode with her to the hospital. The whole time, he stayed with her. Their last words to each other were, "I love you." And when the line went dead, he stood. "Dammit Levy." Ramming his fist into the wall, he stood like a shadow before running out of the hospital room, and away from her cold body. He ran to the park, where he sat for hours, and then to the coffee shop, where he also sat and stared blankly. The next afternoon, he received a letter. From Levy. It was from before she died.

Dear Gajeel,

Don't you dare get mad at me for being dead. It's not my fault. I never smoked, or anything. They said it was in my genes. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I never told you how much you meant to me. You meant so much to me. You were, and are... I guess... my world. Good luck on the social studies project, and I love you. I love you, ok? Now go live an awesome life, you idiot ;)

<3 Levy

He read it over and over again. She didn't even tell her family, apparently. But they didn't seem too torn apart over it. The whole school went to her funeral, even though most of them had no idea who she was. He was in the front row, staring at the floor, and his speech was short. He put all of the things she ever gave him into a box, which he pulled out any time he thought of her.

A few weeks later, Gajeel presented their essay to the class on his own, and got the highest grade. The teacher didn't give him any extra points because his partner died. But he still got an A+, and some extra credit. Of course. He couldn't have done it without Levy. Her first novel is now a classic, and there is no sequel. But she will always be remembered. Not by many people, but she was was number one to Gajeel. And she always will be. 

hahaha not fluff eh?


The end.

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