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The rain poured down on the umbrellas of the guests who stood at the graveyard paying their respects to the person who is never to be seen again. Amongst all the onlookers a little boy stood with no need for shelter in the pouring rain, the way he felt was much worse than the measly little rain that pelted on.

"Come on buddy, it's time to go."

Upon hearing the voice of his father he slowly turned around brushing pass the arm that stretched for his.
But no one paid attention to this little action of his; they understood him very well.
"Are you sure that that is everything?"

"Yes, dad...we should go now."

After releasing a sigh he took one more look at the house they once shared together.


"Hey listen buddy, i know how you feel. I want you to know that i will always be there for you when you need Me."

The man looked up in his rare view mirror back at his son who was seated in the back seat.
The little boy looked up at his dad and gave him the biggest smile he could muster.
"We're here."

The car came to a stop at an unfamiliar house to the 10 year old.

"Wait dad, you changed houses"

"Yeah..," before he continued he looked down on his son who had a sad and lost expression on his face.

"Listen, i know how much your mother meant to you. She meant a lot to other people too. Did you see how many persons turned up at her funeral today; they were all her friends and people who loved her dearly. Though she is no longer here with us doesn't mean that we should remain sad for the rest of our lives, we should try to move on with life"

"But i love her dad, and she is gone; it's not like when she left me home to go to the store, she's never coming back" and he started to cry.

"I know son, i know...but hey look you still have me and you soon will have someone else. Okay"

He wiped the tears away from his son's eyes and gave him a tight hug.
As they both walked up to the front door he turned to his son and smiled.

"Now what do you say we go check out your new home and guess what, we get to live together just like you always wanted"

"But without mo-"

Just then the door was flung open.

"You must be Haru-kun" a feminine voice dripping with Russian accent said.
Looking up Haru saw the owner of the voice.

"And welcome home to you too, Gray-sama" and she planted a kiss on his cheek.

"This is my wife, Juvia, Haru."

*Haru's P.O.V*

Why is he doing that?
I already know who Juvia is, i was at their wedding.
I watched as she shyly tucked her hair behind her ear with the hand that had her wedding band gleaming in the sun.

"Juvia believes Haru-kun already knows that Gray-sama. You two should come in now before you catch a cold."

She opened the door wider for us to enter.
So i am going to spend the rest of my life here at this house. Wait come to think of it--
"So dad, what happened to your first house?" i saw as Juvia's shoulders sank.

"We have decided to change houses because--"

"G-Gray-sama and Haru-Kun should go and change out of their clothes, Juvia already did."

What is wrong with this woman? She and my dad had only been married for 3 years and he allows her to cut in the middle of his sentence like that.
It must have been her who decided to change loved that house after all it was there that we spent most of our time together.

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