Chapter 60

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Juls and Ian's big day has finally arrived and miraculously, everything is running smoothly. I got up early and delivered the cake with Joey to the reception hall before we headed over to the bridal suite where we are all currently getting ready. Juls is glowing, Joey is routinely sneaking out to get a peek at the men who are dressing at the other end of the church, and Brooke is completely sober and has her wits about her. After slipping into my stunning chocolate brown floor length strapless dress, I help Juls into hers, along with her mother.

"Oh, sweetheart. This dress," Mrs. Wicks says, tears filling her freshly painted eyes as I try to hold mine back. My makeup is looking pristine and fabulous and I have no desire to ruin it with unwanted tears. We finish buttoning her up and step back. She's stunning, absolutely gorgeous in her wedding gown and I bite my lip to hold my emotions in.

"Damn, Juls. I have money on Ian losing his mind when he sees you at the end of the aisle," Brooke says as she smoothes out her dress. Joey comes bustling back into the suite and drops his jaw on the floor.

"Holy fuck. You look amazing."

"Joseph! You're in a church," Mrs. Wicks sternly informs him, both hands flying up to her hips. "Easy on the language today please, and that goes for all four of you. Especially you, Dylan." She flicks her daggers at me.

"Me? Please, I'm such a lady." I shrug and catch a wink from Juls in the mirror as the suite door swings open again, this time revealing a very handsome and slightly nervous looking Mr. Wicks.

"Oh my. Darling, you look so beautiful." He moves and stands in front of Juls, grabbing both of her hands in his and pulling her off her stool. "That's it, wedding's off. You're too pretty for that man."

"Daddy," she says through a huge smile and he softens in front of her. I move up to the mirror and take a good look at myself as they exchange a private father-daughter moment, Joey joining me at my side. My hair is pinned up into an elegant twist, a few pieces pulled out and tucked behind my ears, which are adorned with the amber stud earrings Juls gifted us with this morning. My makeup is sophisticated but subtle, a light dusting of rose lip-gloss that I'm somehow managing to pull off without looking like I belong on a street corner, and my dress is perfect, hugging me across my chest and showing a classy amount of cleavage if there ever was such a thing. I feel Joey's hand on my lower back.

"Look at us. We almost look too good for this wedding. I'm afraid we might just upstage the bride," he whispers as we both glance over at Juls who is hugging her father.

"Not a chance," I say and he nods in agreement. Mr. Wicks backs away from his daughter and turns toward all of us.

"It's time people. Let's move this along before I lock my daughter in this room and refuse to let Ian have her." We all giggle at his comment, hearing the hint of seriousness in his tone as we file out of the bridal suite and down the back staircase that leads toward a hidden area where we're supposed to line up. I haven't seen the inside of the church since we arrived here hours ago and I'm a bit nervous at the number of people in attendance who will be watching me walk up the aisle. My heels are insanely high, dark brown sling backs that I've scuffed the bottoms of to prevent any major slip up. But I'm still nervous about walking in them. Karma could easily give me a right shove in the back and send me falling flat on my face, given the amount of hate she's shown me lately. All this animosity. And for what? Because I fell in love with a man who only cared about fucking me? Nice, Karma. Way to stick with your fellow woman.

We line up in order behind the double mahogany doors and wait patiently for them to open, the soft sound of violins streaming through the air. Another decision on Ian's part. The man apparently loves classical music. I clutch my beautiful bouquet in my hands, grateful to have something to hold on to as the doors slowly open in front of Brooke. My view is blocked entirely by Joey's massive frame, but I feel him. I always feel him. And I know as soon as I start walking, my eyes are going to lock on to his and I'm going to give in to it. Whatever. I just have one more day to endure and then I can go back to my shitty life. I turn around and spot Juls who is smiling at me, eyes gleaming and hand tightly looped through her father's arm. I give her a quick wink before I turn slowly and step forward, seeing Joey make his way toward the middle pews. It's now my cue to start walking, but I can't. My eyes have locked on to the most glorious sight I've ever seen and he's standing, waiting for me at the front of the altar in a tux. Holy fucking shit.

I know I'm supposed to be moving; I've walked up this aisle before. I just accomplished the feat last night. But I'm stuck. My two feet won't budge an inch and I hear the muffled voices of people around me wondering what the hell is going on. Joey is up at the front, motioning for me to start moving and Brooke is trying desperately not to crack up laughing. Meanwhile, Reese is staring at me, eyes burning into mine and I'm melting on the spot. I've never seen him look this handsome before and I'm suddenly regretting everything. The break up, the fact I agreed to be a part of this wedding, the shirt I kept. Everything. I force out a shaky breath and glance quickly back at Juls who is trying to remain calm but coming apart slowly. Her father is staring at me and looks unsure what to do as I clutch my bouquet tightly and shut my eyes.

Jesus Christ, Dylan. You need to move. Just start walking and you'll be up there before you know it.

I shake my head and open my eyes, and if I was unable to breathe before I closed them, I've completely forgotten how to work my lungs now.

Reese is making his way down the aisle toward me, purpose in each step and eyes glued on mine as everyone watches him and who he's walking toward. My lips part and I shift on my feet as he reaches my side, grabbing my hand and looping it through his arm. And without saying a word, he begins walking me up the aisle, earning a few sounds of amusement from the crowd, and smiling politely at them. I'm deposited on my step and he drops my hand, leaving an emptiness inside me as he returns to his place across from me. Our eyes meet briefly and I smile weakly at him, seeing his lip curl up slightly as the wedding march song begins to play.

The rest of the ceremony plays out the way it's supposed to. Rings and vows are exchanged, and I keep my eyes on the bride and groom who haven't broken contact since Juls hurriedly reached Ian at the front of the altar. I manage to only shed a few tears but quickly wipe them away before my makeup is affected. And as the preacher announces to the congregation Juls' official title as Mrs. Ian Thomas, they kiss and everyone stands and cheers. Ian showers her with affection as they begin their walk toward the back of the church, and I move to stand next to Reese who is already waiting and watching me. Always watching. We follow the bride and groom to the doors, not exchanging any words this time, even though I wanted to at least thank him for what he did earlier. I'm not sure I would have made it up to my place on the altar had he not come and gotten me. I quickly release my hand from his arm when we reach the bride and groom and wrap Juls up into a massive hug.

"You're married," I squeal. Joey and Brooke come scurrying up behind us and wrap their arms around me and Juls.

"I know. And now, we get to go parrttaaayyy." I release her with a giggle and turn around, walking over to Ian and giving him a big hug.

"You hurt her and I'll cut you up into tiny pieces and bury you throughout the city." He lifts me up and spins me around, a muffled laugh escaping his lips. Trent, Billy, and Reese are all watching and I hear laughs coming from them after my declaration.

He sets me down gently. "Oh, don't I know it. I'm well aware of your capabilities, Dylan. Even though you sometimes manage to forget how to walk." He smirks at me and I roll my eyes. I don't linger with him since Reese is at his side, chatting it up with the other groomsmen. And after Ian and Juls walk down the church steps through a cloud of tiny bubbles, we all pile into a stretch limo and head over toward the reception hall.

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