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Lees worried about Clem, who hasn't been sleeping much at all lately, so he finds a way to at least give her one good nights rest. Another adorable request from mettatonlover858!! Seriously you keep me writing lol! Sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy!

"Hey Clem! Dad found some comic books on his run today! Wanna dead them with me?" Lee hears Duck call to Clementine, who seemed pretty busy with her drawing over by Carley.

"No thanks...I'm good," the girl responds, not looking up from whatever she's drawing. Her chin in one hand and her legs kicking up behind her as she lays on her stomach. Duck pouts at the rejection, but is quick to bounce back when he sees Ben walking out of his room. Immediately the young boy forgets about Clementine and runs over to the teenager, begging him to read the comics with him. Lee holds back a chuckle at the teens obvious uncomfort, before he looks back at Clem.

The girl seems to be nodding off where she lays. Unable to keep her eyes open for more than a couple minutes at a time. Her head bobs for a few seconds before Lee watches it snap back up when she realizes she's falling asleep. Lee knows the girl hasn't been sleeping well lately, not since after the dairy farm. With the threat of the bandits looming closer, he doesn't think anyone has been getting a good nights rest, but Clementine shouldn't have to worry about that. She was just a little girl, she shouldn't have to feel like she needs to be on edge at every moment of the day and night. Not as long as Lee is with her.

From where Lee was posted at the wall, he watched Lilly begin to pass out rations. Immediately the first piece of food goes to Clem, which Lee is happy about. At least Lilly isn't upset at the kids for what Lee and Kenny did to her father a couple days ago. The next piece of food goes to Duck, then to Katjaa. Lee watches Lilly hesitate with the last piece of food. The woman glances around and makes eye contact with Lee before heading over.

"Here Lee. You take the last piece." She holds out a piece of jerky to the man.

"Are you sure you don't need it? You're not looking too good, you should have it," Lee says, standing up straight from where he was leaned against the makeshift wall.

"Jesus Christ just take the goddamn food Lee," Lilly hisses out, forcing the jerky into his hand before walking away. Before Lee can stop himself, he's calling out for her.

"Lilly wait," he moves to catch up with her. "Didn't Ken bring back some children's books a couple days ago? Like fairy tail stuff?" Lee asks, putting the jerky in his pocket for later. Lilly stares at him for a few moment, thinking over the supplies she has in her room.

"Yeah...I think so. Does Clementine want to borrow one?" Lilly asks, crossing her arms.

"Yeah...well no. She hasn't been sleeping at all lately, and I was thinking that maybe reading her a story might help her sleep a little easier? I dunno, just want to help her feel more relaxed." Lee shrugs, crossing his arms back at Lilly.

"No one feels relaxed anymore Lee," Lilly starts and Lee rolls his eyes.

"Yeah but she's a kid. We should at least try." Lee levels a stern look at her before she sighs and drops her shoulders.

"Fine, I'll look for something tonight, just come by when you want to grab it." Lilly says before walking back toward her room where. Lee nods to himself before turning back to the wall.

Later that night, after Lee got off his watch, he went past Lilly's room first. Gently knocking Incase she fell asleep. But as expected, the woman is wide awake and almost instantly opens the door and hand him a fairy tail book.

"I hope she likes it," the woman says simply before closing the door. Lee can't really make out the name of the book in the dark, so he waits to see what it is until he's in his and Clem's room. He passes and gives Kenny a small wave as the other man gets ready to take watch.

Slowly he pushes into his room, noticing Clementine still up and coloring in her bed. "Hey girl," he says gently, sending her a smile as he sits on the edge of her bed.

"Oh, hey Lee," Clem smiles, setting her crayon down so she can turn to look at the man. "Are you going to bed now?" She asks, rubbing her eyes a little.

"Actually, before we head to bed, I was thinking we could read a bedtime story," he offers, holding out the fairy tail book to Clementine, which he could now see in the light of Clementines flashlight, was little red riding hood. He could see Clementines interest peak at that as she leans forward, gently taking the book into her hands.

"Would you like that Clem?" Lee asks, getting comfortable on her bed.

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot." Clem nods,scooting her coloring books and crayons aside so Lee can sit closer to her. She lifts up the blanket a bit as well so he can keep warm. Lee scoots closer and slides his legs under the blanket. He lifts his arm so she can lean into his side. They get comfortable before Lee finally opens the book.

"Once upon a time," he starts, and Clementine almost immediately feels herself start to drift off. She lets her eyes shut as she just listens to his voice reading the words to her off the page. They get a couple pages in before Clementine is passed out. She slumps into his side and slowly starts to drool on Lees shirt, clearly totally out. Slowly, Lee starts to stop reading, letting the girl peacefully sleep. Once he's sure she isn't going to wake again, he closes the book and sets it aside.

Lee starts to get up, gently laying the girl down in her bed before pulling the covers up to her chin, making sure she's warm before he moves to his own bed. Lee carefully places her hat aside before he lays down in his own bed, quickly falling asleep himself.

As long as Clementine had Lee, he knew she didn't have anything to worry about. 

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