Chapter 4

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WOW!! You guys deserve another update!!



Sabine's P.O.V

"Okay, Jarrus," I spoke simply, "What on Earth are you doing here? Not that I'm surprised."

He glared at me coldly like daggers piercing my skin.

"My dad brought me here for a surprise," he answered. Then asked, "What are you doing here?"

"My mom brought me here to meet someone," I answered, arms crossed.

"Well I hope your geekiness isn't contagious cause I'll be sitting far far away from wherever you are, if that's the case. Although, I think I'll still sit far away anyways," He said, walking away.

"Oooo, so mature," I muttered under my breath and rolled my eyes in a huff. I walked back to my table and noticed that he was going in the same direction.

I pleaded in my head that he wasn't heading for the booth my mother was at. I prayed to the Lord above.

I cursed under my breath when my pleading went unanswered as Jarrus sat at the same booth as my mom. My eyes widen when realization hit me.

"My mom is dating Jarrus's dad," I whispered to myself. My hands clenched my arms as I awkwardly walked over to the booth. Mom looked up at me with a big smile.

"Hey, Sabine," mom chirped.

"Hey," I replied, glancing over at Jarrus, who had a dumbfounded look on his face. He must know what's going on. Biting the bottom of my lip to hold back my laughter, I slid into the seat next to mom.

   "It's good to finally meet you, Sabine. Your mom told me a lot about you," Jarrus's dad said.

   "I hope all good things," I replied, emphasizing the word 'good,' glancing over at Ezra then back at his dad.

"Lots," he responded.

"Sabine, this is Kanan and I'm guessing you already know Ezra," Mom introduced them. I pursued my lips and bitterly thought, "Unfortunately."

A waiter walked over and asked us what we wanted to drink.

"I'll have a water," mom answered.

"Me too," I said.

   "We'll have water, too," Kanan said. Jarrus didn't say anything, just kept his arms crossed and glaring at the table.

The waiter walked away while I looked over in Jarrus's direction to see him glaring at me. I glared back at him. Our parents were to busy talking to notice what was going on between us.

"So Sabine." I looked away from our glaring showdown and over to Kanan with curiosity.

   "Yeah?" I questioned.

   "Hera has showed me some of your work. They're really amazing. You've got talent," Kanan complemented. I smiled a little and looked away, blushing.

   "Thanks," I replied.

   "I've tried convincing, Ezra here to try it but maybe you could try convincing him," he said. I took a quick glance at Jarrus again to see him with a displeased look. Even I had negative thoughts about convincing my enemy to join something I truly love doing. I shrugged as the waiter brought our drinks.

   "Have you decided on what you'll be having today?" The waiter asked, readying his notepad and pen. I looked at the menu realizing that I hadn't thought about what I wanted to eat.

   "We'll have a large pepperoni," my mom answered. I looked back up and thought, "Guess they already discussed what we're having."

   The waiter wrote it down and walked away towards the kitchen. I watched him go since I didn't exactly want to look back to find Ezra glaring. Once the waiter disappeared, I was about to look back but someone caught my eye.

   He was sitting two tables away which made me squint to make out his face better. It was that guy that I ran into earlier. That big and buff motorcycle dude!

   I gulped a little at the memory of me running into the man. Quickly, I averted my attention away from him to the conversation, making sure my hand hid my face.

   Jarrus raised an eyebrow towards my way and tried to find what was bothering me.

   "Sabine," mom spoke, noticing my odd behavior. Then asked, "Are you okay?"

   "Oh uh...yeah, just had a nasty itch. That's all," I reassured, scratching my head. She didn't seem to convinced but didn't stay on the topic to long before Kanan did the same with Ezra.

   "You okay?" Kanan asked, gently nudging him in the side, "You haven't spoken a lot since we arrived."

   "Yeah, I'm doing just peachy," Jarrus quipped. Kanan raised an eyebrow knowingly. I never seen Jarrus act this way before. All pouty and uncomfortable. This wasn't the confident and stuck up bully I've come to know.

   The table went quiet as mom and I watched the two, feeling the tension in the air. Luckily, the waiter brought the pizza and plates, snapping us all out of that moment. Mom smiled at the waiter and thanked him for the food. He nodded returning the smile before going to a different table.

   We all took a plate and a slice of pizza.

   An hour later, we all said our goodbyes. I hadn't realized I held my breath until walking out of the door. Mom and I slid into the car and buckled up.

   "So...what did you think?" She asked, skeptically pulling out of the parking lot and driving home. I wanted to ask, out of every man in this town, why did it have to be Jarrus's dad?

   Yet, deep down I couldn't help but notice my mother's happiness lately. Like she used to be when he was still with us. I didn't want to ruin it but at the same time, there was no way I wanted Jarrus to be apart of our family. He'll just bully me even more than before. Find out secrets and use them against me. Make me look like a bigger fool than before.

   I put on a fake smile and said, "I'm glad you found someone that makes you happy."

   It was true. I was very happy to see her happy even if it is Ezra's father.

   Mom approved of the answer with a small smile gracing her lips. Luckily, she didn't notice my facade and my hatful feelings towards my enemy. Ezra Jarrus.


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