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Okay...did anyone figure out why the pictures were in the chapters at the top? Let me know in the comments!



Sabine's P.O.V

It's been a week since Kanan's funeral and Ezra has barely came out of our spare room. Sometimes Chopper would join him, sensing his sadness. Chop was very knowing when it came to feelings and surprisingly comforts people for being grumpy.

(Lol, Chopper is a pet padawan. Every man for themselves. Okay back to the story)

Today...oh, today, I am going to drag him out of that depressing room even if it means yanking on his ear! It's not like he was ever good at listening in the first place! I SABINE SYNDULLA WILL NOT TAKE MERCY ON THIS KID!

   I narrowed my eyebrows and stomped to his room in a huff. I will get him out if it's the last thing I do! Nothing will stop this warrior from her quest!!

I knocked on his door but there was no reply. My hand reached for the knob and opened it up slightly, poking my head inside the room. The blinds were drawn and lights shut off.

On the other side of dark room was Ezra in a beanbag chair absently staring and messing with something in his hands. He looked lost in thought and didn't seem to notice me enter his room. I opened the door up some more to step in.

The feeling of guilt swallowed the anger in one gulp and turned suddenly shy by his presence. I awkwardly smiled and nervously waved while saying, "Hey, Ezra."

Dull blue eyes glanced up and his hand stopped messing with the thing he was holding. I felt an ache when seeing the gloom instead of the energetic teasing face. His lips formed a straight line and face was pale. If I looked carefully, red tear tracks stained his face.

Ezra went back to what he was doing since I wasn't saying anything else nor was he going to speak.

I walked over with a sigh and sat in the beanbag next to him. We sat in the silence for a moment until I grew tired of it. I hated to admit that I wanted to hear him teasing and call me clumsy. Seeing him like this made me feel worse than ever especially after I heard my mom's and his conversation.

   He confessed everything about his life with Kanan. It made me sick to know that the kind man would do such things to someone he considered family. Though it lessened when I heard that he wanted to try and change for the better.

   I'm not sure if Ezra will forgive him or not for what he's done in the past. Yet, Kanan risked his life just to let the teen live. Not that that makes any of it better but it gives him a second chance. A second chance to redeem himself and be a better parent figure by giving Ezra the life he needs. A home and a family.

   Mom and I are all he has left besides Zeb, the motorcycle dude. Evidently, him and Kanan were working undercover on the Kallus case. They were assigned to watch and make sure he didn't cause any funny business.

   Another surprise news, that was also how Kanan and Zeb met Ezra. Kallus was the one who burned the house down and Ezra was found in an alley seemingly tossed on the floor, crying.

   Zeb knew how Ezra felt because his own family was killed by Kallus and he joined the case immediately to get some justice. I didn't blame him. We were all together now. One big broken family (although Zeb doesn't live with them but visits occasionally).

   "It wasn't your fault," I spoke under my breathe and glancing up at Ezra. The only thing that changed was his fiddling with whatever is in his hands. It seemed like he was listening to every word I said but it still wasn't clear if he was here or not.

   I stood up and was about to walk out the door.

   "I can't help but feel guilty."

   I paused as his quiet voice kept explaining.

   "I feel like such a burden to him but I want to be anger...yet I can't at the same time. I'm so confused with how I should feel. Angry. Sad. Used. Broke. Devastated. Everything is just so confusing and I can't help but feel myself slowly tear in two because of...everything. My life and the people in it. It's a mess. I'm a mess," he rambled.

   My eyes widen, now facing the tormented teen sitting in the beanbag chair and rubbing his eyes. Instead of seeing a sad and misunderstood teen, there was a lost and confused child that can't find his way back from the hole that dig deep below the earth.

   So far down that no one could hear his pleas for help and mercy for just once to see the light again. It tugged at my heart in more ways than one and I didn't know how to fix it.

   I am now seeing something for the first time. We both have something in common but we're too blind with hate to see it.

   We both lost our way whether it was a parent or...or a friend. We know what it's like to lose our way so maybe...

   I walked back over to Ezra and knelt in front of him, resting a hand on his shoulder. He was trying so hard to hide his pain and tears but I could see right through it. I once helped mom out when dad left us and now...just maybe...

   I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and brought him into a hug.

   ...we can piece each other back together.


The End!!

I hope you all enjoyed the book and Happy New Years Eve!!😊

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