Chapter 6

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Sabine's P.O.V

   Ketsu's jaw dropped and eyes widened after telling her about what happened last night. I reached over and closed her mouth.

   "Careful, don't want to catch flies," I joked to lighten the mood a little.

   "That's who your mom's dating!" Ketsu whispered loudly. I grimaced a little at her reaction but nodded all the same.

"Can we please discuss this after school. You know, when there aren't so many people around," I suggested. She thought over it before agreeing to my terms as we entered our Science class.

Ezra was on the other side of the room talking with Zare. I quickly sat down and hoped he wouldn't try to mess with me today. Ketsu sat next to me and began to read. Our teacher always takes awhile to get back from wherever he went. So it was almost like a mess around time for everyone in here.

   It took like ten minutes until arriving so the, 'if the teacher does not come in fifteen minutes, you can leave' rule never applied. To my disappointment.

I just stared at the board and saw we were going to learn about physics.

"Hey, what do you think would fall faster and harder? An elephant or Ezra?" Ketsu asked me. I raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"The correct answer is Ezra because of how dense and thick his head is," she answered. I laughed a little at her joke. Only Ketsu.

"You have done did it well, my friend," I replied, rolling my eyes and patting her on the shoulder. She smirked as the teacher walked in. Everyone immediately went quiet and faced forwards.

   "Class," the teacher, Mister Five spat and walked to the front of the room. His stick tapped the floor to help him find his way without running into anything. Mister Five is blind but...his hearing was unbelievably amazing.

   Everyone heard the story of how Mister Five was blinded in a house fire a long time ago. The dark scars on his face prove it. Yet, that wasn't the only thing he lost in the fire but no one knows what it was. Ever since then, he has been very angry and grumpy. Lots of things set him off and if you're not careful...well, he is very good at finding you. As creepy as it is.

   After what felt like a lifetime, the bell rang which made Mister Five flinch and growl in displeasure. I packed my things and quickly made my way for the door.

   "Is it just me..."Ketsu began, "or does he get weirder everyday?"

   I shrugged, not sure how to answer that when Ketsu suddenly fell face-flat onto the ground.

   "Miss Ketsu..." Mister Five spoke, readjusting his stick and holding out a paper. I backed away a little in surprise. Where did he even come from?

   "I may be blind but I'm not deaf."

   Ketsu took the paper and her eyes widen.

   "Detention!" She exclaimed and was about to retort back but he was gone. I blinked and looked around. What the?

   "Ugh, this really stinks," she muttered as we kept walking down the hall. We stopped at our lockers as I dug around.

   "Next time..." I began, handing my friend her favorite fruit, "don't be a maroon-run."

   "Ha Ha, very funny," Ketsu replied, sarcastically in a playful way and closing her locker. I closed mine and we made our way to our next class.

"Does this fruit at least satisfy the deal we made," I questioned. It turned out, Ketsu beat me at basketball and I stupidly made a deal with her. She didn't know what she wanted on her side but maybe I could give her an...idea.

"We'll see unless I come up with something better," she explained. I sighed. Oh boy.

Ezra's P.O.V

One minute, I'm joking around with Zare. Then the next...

"Dude, I can't believe you got detention,"Zare laughed as I grumpily shoved books in my locker. This was not good but I couldn't tell or let it show. Instead, I rolled my eyes and shut my locker. Dad does not take detentions to lightly. Yet, since he's been in a good mood lately, maybe he will be more...thoughtful about it. Was that the right way to put it?

I put my 'carefree' face on and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I mean, seriously. Where did he even come from? He was some sort of old, wrinkly, raccoon ninja," I tried to explain, making Zare laugh even harder. The side of my mouth twitched a bit seeing him laugh so hard.

   He finally calmed down, wiping the tears from his eyes before saying, "Whatever you say, dude. Just be happy that you don't have Miss Seven in charge of detention tonight."

   I whole-heartily agreed with my friend as we walked outside. Miss Seven was like a warden in the classroom but much worse in detention to her "prisoners." To my relief, Miss Tano is the teacher watching detention. She is way more easy going person to be with and maybe can even help me on the homework she gave out.

   "Zare! We got to go!" A female voice called, grabbing our attention over at the car. Zare's mother had the window rolled down and waved him over.

   "Looks like my rides here," He sighed and walked towards the car.

   "See you tomorrow!"

   "See ya!" I replied and walked back into the building to serve a whole hour in detention. This was going to be fun, that's what I thought while entering the room. My eyes landed on the two people in the room. Miss Tano and the nerd's friend, Ketsu. Even better.

   I sighed as I sat in the farthest seat away from her and began to do my homework. Just as I read the first question on the paper, my mind became mush. What kind of question is this? Does it even relate to anything we are doing in English? Why is it even called English class? English is a class and half the stuff I read in there is hardly close to decipherable. In other words, it's English but a language that I'll obviously never understand.

   "Out of all the people in the school..."

   My head shot up to see Miss Tano leaning against the front of her desk with her arms around her chest.

   She continued, "You both are the last ones I would expect to get a detention."

   I sheepishly scratched the back of my neck and looked down at the homework. Honestly, I was kind of curious to hear the story of how Ketsu even got in here but I needed to act as if I didn't care.

   "I find it kind of funny how both of you are in here for the same teacher, time, and reason," Miss Tano continued, smiling in amusement, "but, I guess this could also work as well."

   I raised an eyebrow in confusion. What does she mean by that?

   "Ezra..." She said. I lifted my head up to meet her gentle and wise eyes.

   "I want Ketsu to tutor you."


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