6 || 'Dish it'

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The little sandlot was just as dusty and decrepit as Ty remembered. Tucked away between houses as it was, it was the perfect place to prove herself to the company they'd suddenly been thrown in with - and hopefully embarrass them a little bit in the process.

The ragtag group of eight boys spread out through the infield, chatting amongst one another as they reached the positions that they normally played in. Ty watched as they oriented themselves, trading idle banter back and forth as they prepared to test herself and Scotty. Their relationship with each other was simple and enviable - she couldn't remember ever having friends who seemed so at ease around her.

It almost made her jealous.

DeNunez - apparently their preferred pitcher - sauntered over to the mound, scuffing his feet in the dirt and pulling a baseball from his pocket. He eyed the Smalls children almost suspiciously - although the majority of the heat of his glare was directed at Scotty, a fact which, had she not already made up her mind, would have settled her determination. Ty was going to thrash these guys out of the ballpark.

Benny hung back, waiting until everyone had readied themselves before turning to Scotty and Ty, both of whom lingered near the entrance to the sandlot. He directed his gaze at Ty, holding it.

"If you want to 'dish it to them', this is your chance." He told her, gesturing to the home plate with his baseball bat. Ty turned to her little brother, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Stay here a sec. This'll be over soon."

Scotty nodded, albeit reluctantly, and trudged over to the rickety little dugout, plopping down into a plastic lawn chair. Ty followed Benny to the plate, walking alongside him for a few strides.

"You sure you want to do this?" He said after a moment, slowing down as they neared Ham, who was almost completely decked out in his catcher kit. Ty stopped abruptly, turning to face him.

"Would I still be here if I didn't?" She responded, hands on hips. Benny took the hint, raising his arms in surrender and handing her the bat. He left her to find her footing, making his way over to stand behind Ham.

Ty could feel his eyes burning holes in the back of her t-shirt as she turned to face DeNunez. She readied the bat, meeting the younger boy's gaze and feeling a small smirk twist her lips as his eyebrows furrowed in what could have been either contemplation or concentration. She was going to shock them, that was for sure.

Then DeNunez rolled his shoulders, winding up his pitching arm, flinging it forward, and letting the ball go and -

CRACK! Ty felt the shudder pulse up her arms as the baseball connected with the bat, sending it flying towards the back fence, which it hit with a muffled thud.

There was a moment of silence, as everyone stood and watched in a small amount of surprise, before Benny broke the spell and began shouting:

"Run, Ty! Run!"

So run she did. First base flew by under her feet with a plastic thunk, and as she approached second, she was vaguely aware of Bertram reaching the back fence and calling out to Timmy, sending the ball spiralling towards him.

She pushed forwards, narrowly taking second base before Timmy, and then sprinted towards third. She hadn't run this hard for so long, and she'd almost forgotten what it felt like - to have your lungs burning and the wind in your face and pulling up through your hair and -

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