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Your POV: 

I quickly ran to my room and got my costume,I put it on and ran downstairs. Batman and Robin were already downstairs along with Nightwing,Red Hood,Red Robin,Superboy,Superman and Batgirl. They were fighting Joker's gang. I had to some how be stealthy. And In case I had to speak I had my voice moterfier (A/n: Like the one Oliver uses in Arrow).No one can know. I went in,I had to at some point. I took out my gadgets and pinned them to the wall. Robin stared at me.

"Y-you're the girl...." he said. My eyes widened. I almost ran out to the window before Damian grabbed my wrist. I looked at him then back at my wrist. "Wait...." He said. "Robin don't go soft on us now" Nightwing said. "I'm not" he slapped handcuffs around my wrists. "Superboy grab her". I felt Jon's arm go around my waist and lift me up. "Let go of me Superbrat" I yelled. I'll apologize to Jon later if they find out who I am. He took me down to the Bat-cave.

This was an obvious interrogation. So I'll just keep my cool and say nothing. "So who are you?"Jon asked obviously being good cop. "ANSWER HIM" Damian yelled. "I don't answer to random strangers that I don't know" I said calmly. "Well let me make it easy for you. Robin. Superboy" He said pointing to himself and then to Jon. I rolled my eyes. "You want to know who I am?" I asked. "Yes please" Jon said. "Just promise that you won't tell anyone" I said. I had already untied my hands from the rope and gotten a smoke bomb. "I am....." I threw the smoke bomb and took off. "Out of here" I smirked.

Damian POV:

As the smoke started to lighten up. I punched the wall in anger. Who is she? "We should get back up stairs before our parents say anything"Jon said. I nodded. "Wait (Y/n)" I gasped. We both looked at each other. Jon grabbed my shoulders and we came into the living room. "I could came here without help Kent" I snapped.  "Sorry but I thought you would want to get to your girlfriend quick" Jon said. "She's not my..." "Damian stop denying it, I know you like her and I think she likes you too" he said.

I didn't respond. I turned around to see Drake with (Y/n),he was holding her close. I felt an intense amount of anger boil up inside me. I should be there holding (Y/n). Jon,I assume also noticed because he put his hand on my shoulder. I walked over to her. Her eyes instantly light up and run to hug me.  "Damian are you Okay? I didn't see you so I thought you were hurt or something" she said. I wrapped my arms around her waist. "No,no I'm fine" I said. I saw Drake look away and turn his hand into a fist.

Tim POV:

I felt jealousy boil up inside me. He doesn't deserve (Y/n). I was the one that first met her,I was the one that first had her so close. Me not Damian. I saw how she ran into his arms and how relieved she was to see him unharmed.  I turned my hand into a fist. I walked away.

Jon POV:

Tim likes (Y/n)?! Holy COW DAMI ISN'T GONNA LIKE THIS. I can't let him ruin this ship,I've never seen Damian this happy.....ever. Damian and (Y/n) must be together. The only thing that will keep them apart is death. MY SHIP WILL LIVE ON BY THE POWER OF KRYPTON MY SHIP WILL SAIL!!!! "Jon are you okay you seem.....determined?" (Y/n) asked. "Nope I'm okay " I smiled. She nodded and smiled back. I saw her walk with Damian outside. "The shipppp....." I called after them.

Your POV:

I walked outside to the balcony  with Damian,to get out of the messy manor. And to pick up before everything. The stars were out and it was beautiful. "Are you okay?" Damian asked. I nodded and smiled. "That was something wasn't it" I said. "Yeah. I'm glad that you weren't hurt" he said. I blushed. "Thanks Dami". "So who was that girl?" I asked smirking silently.

"I don't know,but whoever she is,she's a threat" he said. My smirk faded. Damian suddenly turned to me. "You know you looked really beautiful tonight" Damian said scratching the back of his neck. My face flushed red. "T-thanks. You looked really um cute?" I said. He laughed lightly. "Sorry I'm awkward" I said. "I know" He said. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up. "But I love it" he said. Our faces now inches apart. And then I felt his lips crash into mine. I kissed back smiling into the kiss. It got a little heated but nothing to bad. And then I backed away my face burning red. So was Damian’s. "I-um g-goodnight Damian" I said running onto the manor and up to my room. He just kissed me.

Hiii everyone! How are you? Good I hope. Sorry the update took awhile but here you go😄. Also thank you so much for all the reads. Love you all!!!

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