Paris Date pt.1

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Damian POV:

After I had told (Y/n) about the whole Paris/Hawaii trip,she was ecstatic,so much so that she ran up stairs and packed her things up. We were leaving at 8:00 am tomorrow morning. Granted I don't know if (Y/n) can wake up that early but we can try and if all else fails well we'll just go to the pizza place across from GCPD. Father hasn't been too on board with this but,he agreed that while we're in Paris He,Grayson,Jason,Drake,Pennyworth would be in Spain,so if in case of anything they'll be there quick.

I sat in my room watching as the rain fell on the glass window. I sighed and continued to read the book that (Y/n) left in the room when we were.....uh speaking to each other. It was called YJS123.  It seemed to be about a very elite team,that wanted to make their own legacy and choose their own paths. (A/n: If you guys get this I will be impressed even if it is kinda obvious). The book is pretty big it has seventy-two chapters. I applaud (Y/n) for making a bold move and buying this book.

"Oh where is it?" I heard (Y/n) ask herself quite loudly. I heard footsteps come to the front of my door. (Y/n) must be looking for the book.

Your POV:

"Oh where is it?" I ask myself as I looked everywhere for my favorite book. I need it. I need to know if there are any shipping moments that might go on in between my main ship. I gasped as I realized that I left it in Damian’s room last night....when we were.....uh talking. As I knocked on the door, I heard Damian get up and walk to the door. As he opened it he smiled. "(Y/n) I'm sure you're looking for that" he said pointing at the best little book in the world. I smiled and walked in to grab it. But Damian pushed me down on his bed.

"Uh Dami what are you doing?" I asked. "Oh (Y/n) you were just in here no less than eight hours ago" he smirked. "Yeah but you didn't lay me down on the bed we just made out" I said. "How about we take it to the next level" he said. "Damian Wayne I am sixteen" I said. "Please,quick?" He pleaded. I sighed and rolled my eyes. He smirked in victory. He leaned in and kissed me I kissed back as I ran my hands in his black hair. He started kissing down to my jaw and made his way to my neck.

I suddenly heard faint voices outside the door. I look at Damian who had seemed to had heard them also. I slowly walked to the door. I opened it to see Dick,Jason,Tim,Bruce,Alfred and Barbara fall to the floor. "Seriously?" I asked. "We were just passing through" Jason said. "All of you?" I asked. "Yes....?" Jason responded. I looked at all of them as Damian came to my side wrapping his arm around my waist. "You know I would have expected this from the rest of you,but Bruce?Alfred? How could you" I said smiling a bit."Truly father have you stooped so low?" Damian said giving a smile to Bruce.

I giggled at all of them. "Relax guys we didn't do anything" I said. Dick sighed in relief while Tim held out his hand to Jason. He grumbled and placed twenty dollars on to Tim's awaiting hand. I smiled knowing that they had made a bet on me and Dami. "Good,because you both are sixteen and we don't need another member of the Wayne family yet" Tim said. I blushed. "S-shut up". "Okay now everyone out of my room or so help me-" "We're going,we're going" Dick said. As they left the room,Damian turned to me.

He smirked. "You know in Paris they won't be there and we'll have a room all to ourselves". I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Who says we have to wait till Paris?" I smirked and kissed him. He kissed back. I smiled into the kiss. "Hey guys you might want to start-" Dick said before smirking to himself. I pushed Damian off me and turned to him and blushed. "Y-yeah I'll be right there" I said. I kissed Damian goodnight and headed to my room.

(Time skip to tomorrow)

Damian POV:

It was the day of the trip and I had gathered the last things that I needed to put in my luggage and sighed. I looked over to the clock. 7:30 am. I walked to the door and opened it. "Time to get (Y/n)" I said. I got to the door and just as knocked on the door (Y/n) opened it. She had slight bags under her eyes and she was glaring at me. "What?" I asked.

"I couldn't all" she said her (e/c) eyes staring up at me. I chuckled. "Why?" I asked. "I just overcompensate things a lot. Now let's go before Bruce starts yelling at us that we are behind schedule" she said walking past me. I grabbed her arm. "Are you okay?". She nodded. And continued to make her way to the front.

Your POV:

As I made my way down the steps swayed a little being the tired person I was. Jason was standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Kid,what happened to you?" He asked. I grumbled and looked at him. "I couldn't sleep". "Ah overcompensating things again?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah I did that a lot too,I still do it. Just try not to" he said. My eyes narrow at him. "Wow thanks for the advice". "Hey just because you're tired doesn't mean you can get all sassy"he said. I giggled.

Soon everyone has made it downstairs and we were preparing to leave. As soon as Alfred pulled up in the limo we drove to the airport. Granted I begged Bruce for him to let me and Damian use the batplane,but he said no. So as soon as we got to the airport,we wasted no time. Bruce,Dick,Jason,Alfred,and Tim grabbed their plane tickets to Spain and Damian and I got ours for Paris. As soon as they called the flight we boarded and I finally got to sleep.

Once we landed,Damian nudged me and we got off the plane. And as we stepped out of the airport,there in all it's glory was Paris France.

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