Being Jayne Collin's Daughter - Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Star's P.O.V

I felt nathan slowly slid his hands up my legs and i felt them begin to unzip my trousers. i brought my hands up and instantly began tugging at his jacket, he slid it off before beginning to undo my blouse, i found myself reaching up and quickly undoing his. At this point i found myself grabbing him and spinning us around so i was pressing him against the door.

Our tops soon fell off and i began working on his trousers, he slowly slid mine down and both his and mine fell down at the same time, we climbed out of them and carried on kissing.

I felt his grip tighen and i knew me being next to him in underwear was murdering him, i smiled to myself in our kiss and pulled away all too soon, his face mirrored my thoughts and i smiled at him, giving him a quick kiss and stepping back

"turn around"

he shook his head and couldnt stop himself from grinning like an idiot, bless him. definately my idiot. I smiled cheekily back

"fine then"

and with that i turned my back to him and slowly reached my hands up to the back of my bra, just as i was about to unclip it i felt two manly hands touching mine and i felt nathans lips brush against my skin before he brought them to my ear

"allow me"

i smiled and allowed him to un-clasp it, it fell effortlessly to the floor and i felt his hands trail slowly down my boobs, down my belly and finally fiddling with my pants line. His hands paused and i waited for him to pull them down but he didnt.

i felt his lips move from kissing my neck to my ear again

"may i?"

i nodded slowly and tried not to giggle

"you may"

he smiled sexily and his hands slowly began to go down my legs, without thinking i trailed my hands behind me and onto him, his body instantly went stiff at my touch and yes i mean his whole body(if you know what i mean) I slowly fiddled with his boxer line and found myself pulling them down.

5 seconds later we were standing there naked, his body pressed into my back, this is the first time we've ever been naked next to each other and i must say it feels like it completes me. I turned around slowly to him, our bodies still firmly pressed against each other.

I looked up at him, he looked down at me and smiled

"did i mention your beautiful?"

i shook my head slightly

"no i dont think so"

he smiled and gently planted his lips on mine and kissing them softly before smiling again

"well... your the most beautiful girl ive ever met"

i smiled and kissed before trailing my hands to his, i interwined them for a moment before pulling away and climbing into the bath, i relaxed and leant back before looking over at nathan who was just standing there in his beautiful birthday suit.

I smiled and moved further back and gestured to the space in front of me

"you getting in or just going to stand there staring?"

Lets just say i didnt need to ask twice. 5 minutes later and he was in the bath with me and was leaning back into my chest, i had my legs wrapped around his waist and i was using the sponge to gently scrub his perfectly toned chest. We actually looked like the couple off Pretty Woman when theyre in the bath together, i chuckled at the thought and nathan realised and tilted his head so he could lean back and look up at me

"whats funny miss?"

i kissed his head

"this reminds me of pretty woman"

it took him a few moments but it clicked in him and he smiled and nodded before pausing and trying to look at me

"isnt she a prostitute though?"

i paused

"ok you got me on that one"

he chuckled lightly before returning his head to the middle of my chest, i continued to gently scrub his chest. Every now and again i would kiss his head and he would stroke my legs with his fingers, making small patterns.

Jay's P.O.V

I knew nathan and star had gone upstairs because she needed her bath and i know me and the boys teased them about getting it on but three quarters of an hour later and i could tell we were all hoping they actually didnt.

I ran my fingers through my hair and continued to watch siva, max and angel play the wii, i looked up at tom just as he sat up and sighed heavily and rubbed his eyes, i wasnt the ony one worrying. He looked up at me and saw that i was going through the same.

I saw him take out his phone and type a message before holding it up to me, i felt mine go off and pulled it out before opening a message from him

Tom - you worried about her too?

Jay - yeah.. :/ i trust nath but im just scared

Tom - same.. do you wanna go check on them?

Jay - ok, not alone though

Tom - i aint going! they could be.. you know.. being teenagers

Jay - thats why i dont want to go alone, im always walking in on them kissing

I saw him chuckle before typing a reply

Tom - hahaha sucks to be you, anyway would they do it with mum and everyone in the house?

Jay - shes just as bad as you and naths the same

Tom - thats a yes then ;) maybe we should just leave them to it

Jay - is that what you want?

i saw him pause before looking up at me

"no. its not"

and with that he rushed off using the toilet excuse, i followed using the same. The others were too engrossed in their game to even notice. Me and Tom rushed upstairs and stopped outside Star's door.

The bathroom was empty so we knew they were inside, it was closed and tom put his hand on the handle but i stopped him just as he was about to open it. He stared at me

"what are you doing?" i whispered loudly to him

"stopping her from sleeping with him, they havent been together for that long and stars probably still upset after the court case so it might not be as special" he whispered loudly back

i paused before nodding slowly and letting go, he proceeded to open it and we both did a finger countdown from 3 before bursting in.

Nathan and Star instantly looked over at us from the wall where nathan had pressed stars body against the wall and she ws leaning on the towel edges as it was wrapped around both of them.

We all stood in silence as they stared confused, a beautiful redness had appeared in both of their cheeks and i felt mine do the same, tom slowly let go off the handle before turning to me with an awkward face.

"always getting lost in this place, ahhh theres the music room"

he quickly rushed out, pulling me along with my collar, closing the door behind us. Tom faced me and breathed a breath of relief. i dont think i can imagine a more awkward situation.

"at least they weren't doing each other in the bed"

i paused, ok maybe i can think of a more awkward situation.


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