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As I rested my head on my desk. I slowly drifted off into a sleep. Then I felt a pencil hit my head. I groaned as I looked up.
'Ugh. Not her' I thought as I rolled my eyes. "Hey weirdo!" She said.
"What do you want, Madison." I groaned, picking up the pencil she threw at me and threw it away.
"Hey! I needed that pencil!" Madison growled.
"Why did you throw it at me then?" I yawned. "You will pay for this dumb whore!" She screeched as she walked away. 'Pfft. Look who's talkin'
As the day went by, school was finally over. I ran to my locker grabbing my book bag.
I ran out the door and inhaled the fresh air. 'Finally.. lets get home!'
I looked around for my bike. I swear I put it up by the lamp post. I walked over to the lamp post to search for the bike. "Are you kidding me.." I mumbled to myself.
"Is this what your looking for, freak?" Madison said, grabbing my bike.
"Madison! Give it back!" I ran over to her. "Nope." She smirked.
"What? Why?" I pleaded. "Dumb whores like you need to loose some weight." She said throwing the bike to the floor 'How am I too fat, when I have a eating disorder..?' I ran over to my bike. But she bent down and snatched it away. I tumbled to the assault. She laughed. "You're so weak!" She stomped on the pedal to my bike. "STOP!" I stumbled back up.
"What the hell, Madison!" I screamed. "Eh. Their cheap anyways." She said throwing it to the ground doing more damage.
By now, it had a broken handle and pedal. I sighed and picked up the bike, and pushed it back to my house. It was about a 30 minute walk with the bike.
Did I also mention that one of my friends are in nanba prison? Yup, he has a sentence for 30 years. Thats how I know about nanba. No one is supposed to know though. Its 4:35. They should have been able to let him answer calls now. I picked up my phone and dialled the number. It took a while, but someone picked up. "Hello?" He asked.
"Hey, Hayden.." I said
"Hey Harper! How is life? Is everybody treating you good?" He asked
"Yeah.." I lied.
"Good, good. Also, I only have a few minutes. But 4 prisoners escaped! And we have been informed they are going to america. Be careful Harper." He sighed.
"Your times up, 53!" A man in the back ground yelled.
'Wait. Prisoners escaped.. and they are coming to America.. oh god.'
"Eh. Whats the luck they will come over here. And tomorrow, I'm not going to go to school." I said to myself cheerfully. I plopped down on the couch turning on my TV. It took me a while to find some interesting show.
After a few hours. It was 7:00.
"I'm just going to read some manga." My dog walked over to me and laid on the couch beside of me. "Hey Dakota!" I said in a baby voice, rubbing her head. I read my book. "Ugh.. I'm so bored." I said to Dakota. She just looked at me. "Right. I'm talking to a dog." I sighed.
"Hey Dakota, have you ever felt.. alone?" I asked her. Staring at the ceiling. She whimpers. "Imma take that as a yes." I smiled.
I drifted it off into a deep sleep. As I woke up, I realized it was time to go to school. But then I remember I wasn't going to school. I sighed in relief.
The day flew by and it was 4:25. "Should I call Hayden?" I wondered to myself. "Eh. Why not?" I picked up my phone. 'I need to know more about these escaped prisoners.' I put the phone number in and waited.
"Ayeee, Harper." Hayden said joyfully.
"Aye?" I questioned laughing.
"Why did you call?"
"Can I not call my best friendddddd?" I giggled. "Actually. I wanted to know more about the prisoners." I said.
"Hmm.. well.. the leader of the group. I dont know his name. But he has two different coloured eyes. And black hair with red tips. This other guy, he has a long braid which is pink and blonde. Also there is a guy with weird chicken hair. And one with green long hair." He stated.
"Gosh ok."
"Have to go! Bye!" Hayden said hanging up.
"Hmm.. what to do in the mean time.." I thought for a few seconds. "SHOPPING!" I yelled.
I grabbed my money and went out the door. "Bye Dakota!"
I walked to the nearest store. "I cant really by anything... I only have 20 dollars." I said, sighing to myself.
I walked around the store looking for something to buy. I saw a purse. It had a little wolf on it. "Hmm.. It's cute.."
'Should I buy it..? I'm buying it! You only live once.'
I grabbed the purse and went to the cash register. This purse cost 15..
I hand the 20 dollar bill to the man standing there. He gave me the purse. "Have a nice day." He said with a forced smile.
I walked back home, it was already dark. Crap. What time is it? I grabbed my phone looking at the time. "What the hell?! Its 7:56?"
'I need to get home..' As I slowly walked, I started wondering about those 4 prisoners that escaped.
Then somebody grabbed my shoulder. I gasped and spun around. I saw a guy wearing all black..
"Uh.."      He gave me a smirk. 'I cant run..'
"Come with me sweetie.." The man said motioning me to follow me. "N-no!" I backed up. He gave me a glare. "HELP!" I screamed. There is nobody walking at this time. The man grabbed my wrist. I screamed, he tried pulling me into an alley. He dragged me into an alley.
"Were finally alone.. you have finally noticed me, Harper." He said, grabbing my wrist harder. "Who are you.?" I said barley above a whisper.
I took in my surroundings. I saw out of the corner of my eye, 4 people in the corner. "Help me!" I yelled to them. The 4 men looked over to us. They were playing a game of cards.
The man who was holding my wrist seemed to reach into his pocket.
The 4 men walked over to us. "Help me, please!" I yelled.
'W-wait. Didn't Hayden say that one had different coloured eyes. And one with a long braid.. one with green hair.. and a guy with a chicken style looking hair.. OH MY GOD'
"YOUR THOSE PRISONERS!" I screamed trying to run.
"Let go of her!" The guy with the long braid yelled at the guy.
The guy pulled out a gun a put it towards my head. "W-wait!" I gasped.
The man with the braids charged at the man and punched him in the face.
The man stumbled back, letting go of my wrist. I ran to get out of the alley. Then the boy with different coloured eyes grabbed my wrist. I screamed.
"Are you okay.." he asked.
"Let go!" I grabbed my purse hitting him in the face.
"Grab her! She knows we are the prisoners!" The guy with red and purple hair yelled. "P-please I wont tell!"
"Thats what they all say.." the boy with the red tips said, smirking.

Going to school with prisonersWhere stories live. Discover now