Chapter #1: RedHead.

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    Y/N P.O.V.

'What the Hell?'


'Oh jeez I just smashed another alarm clock, there goes my rent money.' I got out of bed groggily and look over at the beside table to see what time it is. '11?! Why do I always sleep in so late!!!' I take my phone and unplug it from its power source to see I have three new messages from Wendy, my old friend.

*3 New Messages From: RedHead*

'Hey Check your mailbox!!!!'


'Dude you better not be still asleep it's like 10:30'

I reply,

'What do you mean my mailbox? The one outside, or my emails?'

Not even after a few seconds I get a reply from her. 'Damn she must be bored texting me so fast like that'

'The one outside duh! I have a gift for you and a very cool invitation in there that you just cannot pass up!!'

'Boy this girl loves using exclamation points' I reply again,

'Ok alright, after I look through my mail and look at your invitation I will call you ok?'

'Yay!!!! Thank you! I swear man! you will not regret this!'

"Man this girl has some energy today." I say to myself out loud. I get out of bed and start getting dressed. I go to my closet and grab some ripped jeans and a white T-Shirt with black flats. ~(I am not going to lie, I will be very simple with the cloths style so change if you wish)~ 'I wonder what her 'invitation' is about' After getting dressed I walk outside to my mailbox on the side of the sidewalk next to my house. I hum a little tune while grabbing the paper, briefly looking at it walking back inside my house. 

"Bills, Bills, More Bill's...Aha! Found it!" ~(Haha Bills....)~ I exclaim holding the paper up like i just won a trophy. 

    Dear N/N

       I want you to come and hang out with me again like we did in the past! I work at an old shack called "The Mystery Shack" It's in Gravity Falls Oregon, I know that you hate that small house and like getting out for a while! So I pulled some strings and found a pretty decent house in the Falls that you can stay in!

   Sincerely Wendy

P.S. Look in the box! It's from the Mystery Shack I think you will like it!

'Gravity Falls huh? Weird....Must be named after some crazy long lost U.S. President or something.' I look inside the box to see a pocket-watch of some kind of wheel.

"Huh, strange, I should probably tell Wendy my answer to her invitation" I say out loud. I walk over and grab my phone and call her.


"Hey Wendy!" I reply cheerfully 

"Hey Man! Whats up!?" she said

"Oh idunno, the sky." I remark

"Haha, very funny. So did you get the invitation? What do you say?" She replied excitement radiating off of her voice waiting anxiously for my answer.

"Ye-" I was cut off by a happy 'Wahoo!' from the other end.

"Oh thank goodness! I was so worried you would say no! Be at the mystery shack in two days ok? I will send you the address of the house you are staying in, so you can settle in before you see me the next day!" She replies 

"Ok what ab-" I'm cut off by the noise of the call ending. 'She hung up on me?! eh, whatever, I better get packed'

~(Fun Time Skip brought to you by author~chan wearing Bill's floating top hat :3)~

"Finally! all packed" I wheezed as i finally stuffed everything in my one little rolling suitcase and duffel bag. I looked at my phone to see the time 7 PM.

"Shoot! I better not miss the bus!!!" I run out of the house closing and locking up the front door. Making sure I had all my luggage and the pocket-watch. The bus trip to Gravity Falls takes a little over 12 hours so they usually suggest to take the night bus so you can sleep. I finally get to the bus station making it just in the nick of time. Before I get on the bus i notice its a double-decker bus. 'Woah you usually only see those in England!' I thought.

"One way trip to Gravity Falls Please!" I tell the driver.

"Ok, hand me your ticket lassie" He says in a thick Irish accent. I hand over my silver ticket and he stamps it, handing the ticket back to me.

"Since we will not be there till about 7:45 in the mornin' I suggest you go up top and sleep on one of the nice couches up there" He suggests, 'WTF this bus is so cool! it may as well have a fridge in here somewhere!!' I make a mental note in my head to look later if there is actually a fridge, I got a little too curious and asked the Irishman.

"How come this bus has everything in it? It may as well be a house!" I exclaim to him. He chuckles at my response.

"Well lassie, we only use this bus for over-night routes and long distances so the people can feel comfortable." he explains. 'That makes sense' 

"Well we have a long trip ahead, we have to pick up some more people along the way in the next town over so we have to go, I will see you in the mornin'" He says

"Ok thank you!" I reply taking the little flight of stairs up to the second floor of the bus. I look around and see at least 4 long couches 2 at each side, I take a seat on the couch to my right as the bus starts moving. I yawn as i set down my luggage next to the couch taking out my blanket and little pillow, Immedeintly falling asleep.

~(Teiiiiime ssskiiiiiioooppp)~

"Attention all passengers it is currently 7:30 A.M. We will be arriving in Gravity Falls Shortly." I awake to the Irishman over the loudspeaker. I sit up and look around me across me is a young couple sleeping together. 'aww cute, I hope I could have that experience with someone.' I go on my Phone and look on my SnapText to look at other people's funny issues for awhile until I hear, 

"Thank you for riding 'Wholesome-bus' we have arrived in Gravity Falls. Please pay on your way out, and have a Wholesome Day!" 'wow corny bus company name' I thought chuckling to myself. I get off the bus paying the nice Irishman and look at my messages on my phone looking for the name of the street my new house was on. "1385 Mason St." I've never been here before so instead of being a dumb person in a fantasy magically finding my house, I used the GPS and was able to go to it in under 15 minutes. I opened the door and dropped my luggage in the first room i saw which had black and F/C in it, a bed to the left with a night stand and a lamp next to it and a dresser to my right. I explored the little house and found another slightly smaller bedroom and two bathrooms, I also went in the backyard to find a little shed. 'ewww I am not planning on going in that old thing, gross.' I thought walking away. I walked back upstairs clasping my hands together.

"Ok! Lets get unpacked!"

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