Chapter #12: Misunderstandings And A Good Kiss

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Y/N's P.O.V.

I looked at him shocked, my childhood friend and my best brother was paralyzed,

"D-Danny? h-how? wh-" I was pulled into a hug from Danny as he dragged me down to his level to hug me. He shushed me and held me telling me that he was sorry that he left also telling me that he was fine.

"Danny! Hey! I'm here too!" Yelled Eadma, I laughed and let go of Danny, Danny blushed slightly when he saw her 'Aww too fucking adorable!' I thought as Eadma pulled Danny into a tight hug,

"It feels so good to see the two of you again!" Danny said happily as he rolled back and forth in his chair, I laughed because I remember whenever he got really excited he would jump around I guess that's what he does now, but my mind still asks;

"Hey, what exactly happened to you?" I asked, I immediately regretted asking because afterward he looked down at his legs and rubbed his arm,

"You don't need to explain if you don't want to." Said Eadma, I nodded in agreement and put my hand on his left shoulder, he looked up at me with a sad smile.

"Well, mom and I had to protect the library so we decided to not tell you, and so we moved down here, in the process of getting our stuff all set up a demon had found its way into the library, he wanted to destroy all of the books, all of the histories each book contained, I was the first to come and try to get him to go away, we both got into a duel and unfortunately the demon had grabbed a chair and smashed it against my legs. Lucas came and helped me, he also used up most of his energy to get rid of the demon, I was very thankful, but I despise demons now, they are bad and need to be banished!" Danny said slamming his fist down on the bedside table. My face grew pale as he said the last part, I looked over at Eadma who looked uncomfortable and skittish once he had said that.

"Is it bad that uhm I may be mated t-" I was cut off as the door swung open to reveal Bill, Will, and my mom. 'uh oh, busted.'

"Hey, kids! I'm done torturing Y/N's boyfriends." Mom laughed, I gulped as I looked over at Danny who had the evil eye,

"Boyfriends? as in plural?! They have to get through me first!!" Danny yelled, Bill looked surprised to see a human on wheels. 'How does that work?! and why?' Bill found himself questioning. Will looked terrified, he became dizzy and fainted, NO JOKE! He actually fainted, I ran over to him and gently placed him on Danny's bed, Danny looked a little surprised and cleared his throat.

"Uhm whoops, I didn't know he was so sensitive, BUT that does not mean that I won't give you a pep talk," Danny said as he pointed over to Bill,

"Um, may I ask, who are you exactly?" Bill questioned, I facepalmed and looked away huffing. I heard my mom sigh with annoyance,

"Uhm I am her brother, Danny, and may I ask who you are?!" Danny said as he got a little defensive, Bill came up and wrapped an arm around me smiling proudly, well, it was more of an insane smirk, I blushed

"Bill Cipher, I am her boyfriend, and so is my twin brother Will over there, that you had scared to death," Bill stated growling lowly, I doubt Danny heard it, but I sure as hell did. I remember when he got so defensive when the Pines twins were confronting me, but I can kind of understand why he is acting like this, his color started to turn from yellow to red I started to panic, I putt my arm around Bill and hugged him tight hoping that he would calm down,

"Wait!! MOM! You knew that they both were demons! I forbid Y/N to ever be near them!" Danny said I broke down looking away from Danny, I croaked out the words I hated to say

"Danny! I was so upset that you left! and now that I come back you have become more mean, and old Danny, the old Danny that I loved playing video games with, the old Danny that would sleep with me when I had a nightmare, the old Danny that supported me! but I guess not." I said as tears ran down my cheeks, I ran out the door and hid in the far corner of the library, I hid under the table by some chairs, I couldn't stop crying, all of my emotions coming out at once, anger, disappointment, sadness, and stress.

Will's P.O.V.

I woke up in a bed, I look over to see Bill losing his composure to that boy sitting on wheels, he was red, I ran over to him and put both of my hands on his shoulders, then I notice,

"B-Bill? where i-is Y/N?" I question him with worry, he widens his eye in anger and almost shoots a fireball at the boy when I move out of the way and catch the fireball before it reaches him,

"Her own brother made her cry, he says that demons are not good people and that he doesn't want Y/N anywhere near us anymore! So she ran off crying! I was going to go look for her when I was blinded by the thought to kill her brother, but I can't because that would make me a worse person." Bill sighed, I panicked and ran out the door calling out;

"I a-am going t-to go find h-her! You t-talk it out w-with her brother! A-and DO N-NOT h-hurt anybody!" I hollered as I searched the big library looking for Y/N, I heard small sobbs from nearby, I ran faster getting closer to the source of the mournful noise.

"Y-Y/N are y-you okay?! Please, b-be okay." I cried as I saw her hiding under a table, I sat down under the table with her and wrapped my arms around her,

"Will? I-I thought you passed out...?" She questioned, I weakly smiled at her and rubbed her back

"I-I'm fine n-now, but I t-told Bill to n-not murder y-your brother, I w-want them to r-resolve this without v-violence," I said, 'Gosh, sometimes I could really do without my stutter.' I thought to myself, Y/N put her head on my chest and was slowly calming down, an idea popped into my head and I blushed really hard.

"May I do something? Please d-don't hate me a-after." I said looking away, Y/N gave me a puzzling look but then nodded.

I leaned forward and kissed her, she was surprised at first but then kissed back, I am so happy that I could finally say this one phrase.

"Thank you, I L-love you Y/N"

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