Chapter #10: Comforting And That Creepy Shed

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~( I would really appreciate it if more people commented, it would be cool to see what you guys think and what I need to improve my writing :3 )~

Y/N's P.O.V.

Eventually, that night we all passed out in many different ways, what I mean is that Bill ended up falling asleep on the dining room table covered in glitter, which surprisingly enough came from Eadma. Will was probably the only one that slept normally, he slept sitting up on the couch with his arms crossed, Eadma had SOMEHOW taped herself to the wall and fell asleep me? well, let's just say I woke up with a pain in my neck and I had somehow ended up sleeping upside-down on the armchair. 'What the hell happened after I went to the bathroom?!?!' I thought to try to remember what happened last night.


'Let's play Truth or Dare!" Yelled Eadma, I looked at her with a death glare remembering the last time I and she had played truth or dare, she noticed my glare but still had confidence in her eyes.

"Come on Y/N!! This will be fun!!!" Eadma said looking at me with the cutest eyes ever, I looked away and sighed 

"'re lucky that I like you enough to do this," I started looking in her direction. she squealed with delight and dragged Bill and Will by both of their arms into a little circle in the middle of the living room floor, 

"Ok! Y/N Truth or Dare?" she asked me, I thought about the consequences if I picked dare and decided to pick truth then pick dare later,

"Mmmmm, Truth," I said looking at her straight in the eyes, she gave me a thumbs down.

"Boo!!! ugh fine, Is it true you like to sing in the shower?" She smirked knowing my answer, I always hated telling people that I sang in the shower, I hated singing in front of people because it was just too embarrassing for me, my face flushed red as I hid my face with my hands. I nodded shyly

"Aww, that is so adorable!" Bill shouted he hugged me from the side holding me close, I blushed, I looked over in Eadma's direction to see her fangirling like a crazy woman.

"Ok umm, Eadma Truth or Dare?" I asked her she immediately stood up proudly

"DARE!!! I AINT NO CHICKEN!" She yelled I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Will slightly flinch at her outburst. 'Poor baby.' I looked at him and gave him a smile and I could visibly see him calm down.

"Ok, I dare you to try and tape yourself to the wall and see if it works," I tell her, she breathes in and runs to the kitchen, coming back with two packs of sticky tape. 

"Let's do this," she states with confidence I laugh as she stands on a stool taping herself to the wall, once she was done I kicked the stool off her feet and laughed so hard because of how she looked. She was dragged down a tiny bit but was held up pretty well.


Eventually, Will gave me a dare to sit in the armchair upside down and try not to get dizzy, Eadma Dared Bill to sprinkle glitter on himself and say he was the king of fabulousness, all in all, it was an extremely fun night.


I got down from the armchair and headed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, I went over to the dining room table and poured the water on Bill he shot up and looked at me with a sad face.

"Why?" He said pouting, I pulled him into a hug and kissed his forehead,

"Oh stop being a baby, can you help me get Eadma off of the wall?" I asked him he smirked evilly and walked into the living room. I got a little worried and walked into the living room to see Bill rip the tape off of the wall and off of Eadma, she woke up with a start and yelled out

"Ow!! What the hell?!" She yelled looking angrily at Bill, Bill put his hands being his back and said

"Oh, what do you mean? I did nothing, I've been just standing there doing absolutely nothing wrong" He said innocently I tried to hold in a laugh looking in Eadma's direction.



 I almost jumped out of my skin, I heard a big crash coming from the backyard, unfortunately, Will woke up immediately and clung to Bill starting to cry silently, Bill put his arm around Will attempting to try and comfort him which didn't work, I went over and took Will from Bill and shushed him hugging him close as he sobbed on my shirt.

"What the hell was that noise?" I heard Eadma say nervously I looked at her with a bit of a scared tone as I spoke,

"I don't know, but I am going to go check it out," I said, I still had Will sobbing into my shirt, he started calming down just a bit to speak up.

"N-not without me o-or Bill g-going with you." He said looking at me with a lot of concern in his voice, I held his hand and squeezed it telling him that I would be fine.

"You know, he's right, maybe all four of us could go and look," Bill said looking at the back door with curiosity. I sigh and motion for them to follow, Will clinging to my arm looking in all directions nervously I open the back door and walk out looking at the old worn down creepy shed, I walk up to the shed with caution, looking back to see Bill right behind me with Eadma hesitantly following behind. I look at the door handle with horror moving out of the way telling Bill to open it.

"I am not going to open that! what if something jumps out at me! You're a demon so you do it." I say pushing Bill in the direction of the door, he looks at me with a glare and hesitantly opens the door, he walks in and pops his head out of the door frame

"Umm, you might want to see this," he says uneasily, I walk into the shed Will hugging me from behind shaking violently, I look over to where Bill was to see a lever I walk over to it and see that it looks to be about 100 or 200 years old, 'I wonder if it still works' I question myself, I stretch out my hand and pull the lever. The next thing I know is that all four of us are falling into darkness, I scream holding onto Will tightly who is currently also screaming. We all land on something soft as soon as we land torches light up a long hallway, Bill and Will stand at both my sides waiting for any danger that may come up, I walk down the long hallway Eadma is really quiet and looks to about pee herself.

"Guys, it's okay, we can do this together," I say to them hoping they would all feel better, they nod and seem to be more confident I open up the big wooden doors at the end of the hallway to enter in a large room the size of a football field, rows and rows of bookshelves.

"WELCOME!!! To The Secret Library!!"

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