Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I haven't worked on this story in a while and I'm so sorry. I know you guys have probably been wondering what's going to happen so here goes nothing.😋

Ezra's pov

Overall the house was huge! It's the biggest home I've ever been in that's for sure. After getting settled in somewhat for the night I spent the day out side exploring the back yard.

 After getting settled in somewhat for the night I spent the day out side exploring the back yard

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The flowers and trees were beautiful. After running around the place like a chicken who just got it's head cut off, I sat down in the middle of the meadow. As I sat taking in the beauty of my temporary home I heard footsteps behind me. "Pretty isn't it." "Yeah. I've never seen so much life in one area." I heard a sigh as Kanan took a seat next to me. "Dinner's going to be ready soon." I shrugged, never making eye contact once with the man. "Not hungry." I felt his stare on me "Well you don't get a choice, you mister need to eat more." I shook my head, this guy doesn't get it. "I said I'm not hungry." "And I said you're eating." I laughed with bitterness "Heh then you'll have to force it down my throat I guess." Kanan stood up with his hands placed on his hips. "Okay, if that's what it takes." My eyes went wide as I felt myself swooped from the ground and before I knew it I was being carried like a sheep on Kanan's shoulders.

Kanan's pov

I laughed as I carried the kid to the house. "I told you that you're eating." "This isn't changing my mind!" I shook my head amused by the kids stubbornness as I noticed our lovely fountain, located conveniently on our way back to the house. I smiled "I think you need to cool down." "What?" He responded alarmed, even more so when he realized my intentions. "O hell no, don't you dare!" I stopped at the fountain and grabbed Ezra's legs, hanging him upside down. "Nononono!" "You asked for it." I dunked his head in the water, just enough to get his hair wet. "You gonna eat now?" "I told you I'm not hungry!" The kid continued to shriek and fight against me. "Okay then." I dunked him again, and again, and again. Soon his shrieking turned into... Laughter? Heh, I think he's warming up to me a bit.

Ezra's pov

After a while of this torture I couldn't help but laugh, I don't know how I am  but I am. "Kanan stop!" I said, and for once out of pure happiness. "Okay okay." Kanan put me back on my feet and we walked back to the house. "You're still eating though." "Uggg." I looked over to the house to see Hera standing in the doorway smiling, has she been watching us this whole time?

Here's pov

I was interrupted from serving dinner after hearing wild laughter come from the patio. I looked out of the window to see Kanan dunking Ezra in the fountain, Ezra clearly not enjoying it. I ran to the sliding glass door to order Kanan to put Extra down, I opened the door and was about to until. Ezra was happy, he and Kanan were laughing and overall enjoying themselves. I leaned up against the door frame and smiled, watching my boys play around. Eventually Kanan stopped and they made their way back. "You're still eating dinner." "Uggg." I walked back inside, concerned about what that was supposed to mean. I'll talk to Kanan later tonight about it. The boys came in, Ezra a little wet. I chuckled "Kanan can you get Ezra a towel please." "Yes hun." I smiled seeing Ezra genuinely happy. Chopper ran in the kitchen and then proceeded to run circles around Ezra. "Chopper out of the kitchen." Chopper thankfully has good manners and left while Ezra sat down at the table. I placed in front on him a plate of stirfry, Ezra in the mean time looked like he was about to hurl. "You okay there?" "Never better." He said with a half smile. I frowned and turned back around to get the other plates, the kids words sure don't match how he looks. Kanan  came back with a towel and threw it over Ezra. "Towel as ordered." The kid dried off his hair a little bit before we ate and then put it aside. "All right dig in. Hera can you pass the soy sauce please?" "Sure thing dear." It wasn't until halfway through dinner Ezra looked absolutely green. "You okay?" He immediately pushed his chair back from the table and stood up. "Excuse me." The next thing I know Ezra ran off to the bathroom in a hurry. I looked to Kanan who understood my thoughts. "I'll get Ezra, you get a glass of water." I said before I took off after Ezra. I ran to the bathroom where I found the poor kid hunched over the toilet throwing up. "It's alright hun, you're alright." I came beside him as I held his hair away from his face. "I *gag* told you *cough* I don't eat dinner." Kanan came in and set the glass on the counter before sitting on the other side of Ezra.

Kanan's pov

"We'll work on this." Hera said with empathy.  Poor kid, I rubbed his back as he continued to throw up. After about five minutes it was over and the kid was exhausted. I handed him the glass of water, receiving a thankful nod in return. "I'm sorry." Hera smiled and pushed some of his hair out of his face. "No need to apologise, accidents happen. Now you should get some rest, I'm sure you're tired." The kid shrugged and got up, a little wobbly at first but regained his balance. We helped Ezra up to bed and said goodnight. The kid didn't say much besides thank you and goodnight but it's a start at least. As me and Hera cleaned up the dinner mess we discussed our worries for Ezra's dinner problems. "Explains why he doesn't eat dinner... But how did this happen in the first place?" Hera refused to look at me, something she does when she's worried. "I think stress might be a huge part in it. He didn't have parents, no one wanted him because it turns out he has cancer, and I bet that crappy orphanage didn't help either." I frowned, knowing she was right and that the kid we are now responsible for has had a horrible life. This is going to be difficult.

Ezra's pov

I can't believe I threw up at our first meal together here. Uggg, it's so embarrassing.... And now they have another reason to take me back. I feel a tear slide down my face but ignore it and attempt to go to sleep. I try to sleep and escape in happy dreams but instead I'm met with voices talking about my failures and short comings. I toss and turn, groaning in mental pain. Before I know it my pillow is soaked from tears. Please just leave me alone!

 Please just leave me alone!

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this and don't worry, more will be coming soon

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this and don't worry, more will be coming soon.😉
Have a good night guys!

Col out🎆🎂🎆🎂🎆🎂🎆

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