happy birthday, delta louise!

382 2 13

word count: ~1930

no warnings ~ all fluff <3

published 20 march 2018

"Wake up, baby girl!" Phil whisper shouted at his small daughter's form, his glasses sat on his nose, and his hair pushed into a lazy quiff. Her little body was tucked softly against his husbands warm body, who was also still passed out. Delta opened her eyes, and moved her head, causing her hair to brush Dan's nose.

"Papa?" She whined slightly, opening her eyes just slightly, exposing her one blue eye and one brown one. Phil smiled as she made eye contact with him. "Do we have to get up?"

Phil laughed at his now four year old. "Yes, sweetie. Do you want to go make pancakes for your birthday breakfast?"

Delta's face now morphed to contain a full fledged smile. "Yeah! And can we put Nutella on them?" Phil nodded at his over excited child, before leaning in a picking her up, placing her on his hip.

Phil bounced her as he walked out his and Dan's bedroom door, leaving a sleeping Dan under the now black and grey duvet. Delta happily laid her head down on Phil's shoulder, as she was still tired from being woken up. Phil pressed a few kisses against her cheeks, leaving his curly haired little girl in a fit of giggles.

"Stop it, Papa!" She giggled and pushed her head away from his shoulder playfully. Phil smiled and looked at his beautiful daughter. She looked a lot like her Daddy, and he couldn't be happier (aside from the whole one eye is blue because of heterochromia and stuff). They were adorable. Delta looked curiously into her Papa's eyes but didn't say anything.

"What's on your mind, Baby Bear?" Phil asked and placed Delta into one of the barstools at the bar in their kitchen.

"Can we call Elle?" Delta said and looked at her thumbs, which were stuck up on the counter as she played them. Phil smiled and maintained the glance he had with his four year old, boy did it sound weird to say.

"We can this afternoon," Phil responded, knowing she would want to talk to her best friend, "is that alright?"

"Why can't we call her now?" Delta asked, tilting her head slightly to the side similar to a puppy.

"Del, she's probably still asleep. It's 3 in the morning where she lives!" Phil exclaimed the second half, making it a little bit more dramatic. It was hard to explain time zones to young children, especially when they were able to read clocks.

"But Papa," Delta began laughing a little at Phil's antics, "the clock says 9-5-8!"

"That it does, but people have different times in some places around the world." Phil said. Delta's eyes grew slightly wider, exposing the ocean in her left eye, and the coffee in her right.

"But the sun is up!" Delta added, trying to disprove her Papa.

"The sun doesn't make everywhere daytime at once, isn't that cool?" Phil said, but continued before she could answer his seemingly rhetorical question, "so we have to share the sun. So we have the sun hitting our part of the world, but the sun isn't hitting where Elle and her family live."

Delta sat in shock. "But is the sun hitting Grandmum 'n Grandad's house? It's really really far away from us." Delta listens intently as her raven hair father thinks and begins answering.

"Yeah, the sun is up for them as well, as well as Pj, and Sophie, and Louise, and Darcy, and Pearl." He lists people in the same time zone as he grabs the ingredients for pancakes.

"But Elle doesn't get the sun right now?" Delta's smile turns into a small frown. Shoot, maybe Phil listed one too many people in their time zone.

"Yeah," Phil said, noticing his daughters sad eyes. "But we can still call her later when we both have the sun!"

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