I don't want to live anymore

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Him...it's always him...on my mind every single day...when I go to bed it's him when I wake up it's him...its him and his words that hurt me a lot...you're probably wondering why I haven't gotten over him yet if I know that him and his words hurt me, to be honest I have no idea why I still like him but for any girls reading this, just know this might happen to you. You start liking a guy and can't get over them even when they break your heart there is just always something about them that we have no idea what attracts us to them but we get attracted to them and they hurt us...this is basically why I can't get over him i guess, he is one of the many reasons why I don't want to live anymore. They're is obviously many more reasons why but he is one of the major reasons...i guess you could say I'm stupid for liking a person that hurt me but it's kind of hard to get over somebody that you've liked for so long and that you've grown up with, don't you think? Just think about if you were in my position all your friends and most of your family hates him, you know it's wrong to like him because he probably has a girlfriend, but you've liked him since you were six it's been eight years that you've liked him for but you live so far apart and yet you still like him for some unknown reason that will probably always stay a mystery...you know I'm kind of excited to see him this summer but I'm also really scared, and this summer will be nine years since I started to like him...and he still has no idea how much he hurt me or how much I like him and care about him, he also doesn't know that i would do anything for him...he just doesn't understand but yet again no body really does...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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