Don't you think that once someone hurts you multiple times and you arnt even together you should get over them pretty easily, well not in this story this is the story about my whole life...starting with the guy i have liked since I was 6 and he was 7...
I never knew what love was untill i saw him, i thought he was perfect, i thought that when we were older we would fall in love and get married but as i grew up i started to reliaze the reliaty, he would NEVER like me, he was just that guy that i liked that i would never have he made me happy when i was around him, but than everything changed we stopped talking, i stopped eating for months, i was crazy about him he occupied all my time i couldnt get him off my mind. I was crazy about him and he hated me. i needed to get over him, i had little hope that it would happen.
When i started eating again, we started talking again i was finally happy again, i didnt know it could happen, i didnt know we could start talking again, we contiuned talking till i was 12 and he was 13. He asked me out when i was 12 i was so happy i couldnt believe he actually asked me out, but i shouldve known that it wouldnt last, because we lived so far apart he lived in Tronto and i lived in Ottawa. So when i got home from the cottage i went to my friends house with almost all of my other friends, he broke up with me so of course i tried to hide my feelings but i couldnt hold back all the tears...i started crying a lot, i would cry myself to sleep for several months, i wouldnt eat and of course i would think of hurting myself, but of course i couldnt because of my anxiety it wouldnt let me...
I later found out that the only reason why he asked me out was because he was desprete and him saying he loved me meant nothing to him well im sitting there crying and him saying i love you to me meant the world to me...i stopped eating for several months again, you could probably never tell though because i so fat, and he also had told me that i was ugly,fat,stupid and that i would never get a boyfriend that would truly care about me and honestly those are the words that i now live by...i became more anti-social than usual...