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Mor drummed her fingernails against the table wearily. "Are they ever going to shut up?"

"Probably not," Amren flatly replied. Azriel and Mor glanced at each other in exasperation, then turned to watch the fighting pair at the other side of the table.

"Mine are bigger!" Insisted the most powerful High Lord of all time.

"No, mine are!" Argued the General Commander of the Night Court's armies.

Rhysand and Cassian scowled at each other. Amren put her head down on the table. This was the third debate in one week, and even Amren hadn't been able to intimidate them into stopping. Mor was close to her breaking point.

"Why don't you just measure your wingspans?" Mor snapped.

Rhys perked up. "That's a great idea! I'll go find a tape measure."

"I didn't really mean..."

"No, good idea," said Amren, "maybe they'll finally shut up and we'll have some peace and quiet."

Rhys returned with a tape measure and offered it to Amren, who made a face. "Don't even try." She warned him.

Rhys just shrugged and handed it to Mor, who groaned but stood up. "Let's get this over with."

Swiftly, she stepped over to Cassian, who extended his wings. As she pulled on the tape measure, she accidentally brushed the tip of his wing, and he giggled loudly.

Rhys snickered at him, and Amren raised an eyebrow. "It tickles, okay?" Cassian said, blushing.

Finished, Mor stepped over to Rhys. He only twitched a little bit as she stretched the tape measure over his wings.

"So?" Cassian said eagerly.

"Rhys, by three-fourths of an inch."

Cassian began to protest, as Rhys crooned over him.

"Shut up and come finish your dinner." Amren snapped.

The High Lord and his commander obeyed.


"I'm not sure that this is an improvement." Amren noted the next day.

On the other side of the table, Rhys was poking Cassian in the side. "Runt." He teased. "Why don't you get a little more carrots? Or can't you reach? That's just a little problem, isn't it?"

Mor groaned and poured herself another glass of wine.

"I think that Mor measured wrong," complained Cassian.

"No way."

"Yes way."

The bickering went on until finally, Azriel stood up. Everyone went quiet; Azriel didn't speak much at meals.

"I can't take it anymore," He said. "Mor, get the tape measure."

He extended his wings. Puzzled, Mor stretched the tape measure over them. Unlike Cassian and Rhys, he was perfectly silent and still.

"Four inches longer than Rhys." Mor announced.

For once in their lives, neither Cassian nor Rhys could think of anything to say.

Wingspan: An ACOTAR One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now