Chapter 2 Forth

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I sneaked a quick look at the sleeping Beam before I headed out for my morning rounds.

I wanted to make sure…

Goddammit! My heart again. It hadn’t stopped doing its ridiculous dance since last night. I’d listened for his breath all through the night and only just before dawn, when I made sure he’d finally fallen asleep after a few rough hours, did I venture to open a tiny crack in the door and look at his serene face. My heart went wild as did my entire body. I could practically feel my blood coursing and buzzing in my system, making me stand on edge as if I’d been electrified. So I wasn’t

wrong. It was him. My fated mate. And just when I thought the others were making the whole fated mates concept up and were just pretending to be falling head over heels for someone just because they thought it was time to start a family…

I’d heard stories of heart rates spiking and palms getting covered in sweat, of shivers traveling down spines and a prickling of goose bumps spreading over arms, but never expected to feel that way myself. Especially not for someone I’d known for less than a

day. Wait. That was wrong. I didn’tknow know the guy. I’d barely exchanged a sentence or two with him and yet my body knew he wasthe one.

Too bad that he was also the only person on this island that I didn’t trust. I thought the whole idea of bringing an outsider in was too risky, but the elders wouldn’t listen to me. Right now we needed every last member of our pack to defend the northern border and we

couldn’t spare more than a couple of nurses to stay behind in the village and take care of the children. Women were just as much warriors as I was, though I was one of the natural

leaders around here. I contemplated Beam flushed, tender skin with pillow marks all over his cheeks, and his dark black eyelashes gently fluttering in his dream, his tousled black-colored hair spread

over the pillowcase. He was a vision. I’d never seen a man so impossibly attractive with his small but agile and white skin and gorgeous, childlike face. I decided I shouldn’t put my responsibilities as an Alpha in second place just because my body happened to yearn

uncontrollably for this man. I needed to keep a close eye on him, as hard as this would be for me, to make sure he wasn’t posing a danger for my people.

Armed with determination, I left the cabin before he woke up and headed towards the barracks to see how the preparations were going. Starting today, we’d need to patrol the northern part of the island in shifts round the clock. Our peace and the life we’d worked so

hard to build for ourselves on Pulau Singa Besar Island had been threatened by a neighbour mainland pack during a night siege and though we’d managed to fight them back off the island, we needed to make sure no more attacks would be attempted.

Everything was in order and I spent a couple of hours discussing strategy with the rest of the leaders, while the other members were inspecting the rations and ticking off equipment numbers in ledgers. Something was nagging at the back of my head though. I was restless and I much wanted to attribute it to the fact I hadn’t had breakfast yet, but the truth was I wasn’t going to concentrate on anything before I saw Beam again. I tried to pass it off as being cautious in front of my conscience.

Not just being an incredibly horny Alpha who needed a fix of a new drug he’d discovered…

“Are you guys all set here?” I asked my friends casually. “I think I might head down to the nursery and check on the new guy before we leave for the day. I want to make sure he’s settled alright.”

“Good idea,” Ming, my ex, called out. “We’ve got it covered here, Forth. By the time you come back, we’ll be ready to leave.”

It was all I needed to hear, so I rushed over through the pine grove and down to the village, heading straight for the nursery, which was located right next to the clinic and the

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