Chapter 8 Forth

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I teased the thorn out of my paw with my teeth and though blood spurt out more heavily than before from the open wound, I couldn't stop now, not when I had a fresh track to follow, so I kept running.

I hadn't stopped to rest since I'd left Beam, my honey by the shed and dove into the night to catch up with the thieves that had taken Wayo. I knew it would be Ming. He'd heard us talking the day before we'd left Pulau Singa Besar and he'd probably equated my leaving with the

worst form of betrayal, both towards the pack and towards him in particular. Not only had I helped an enemy who'd sneaked in among us escape unharmed, but I'd left with him, proclaiming him my fated mate in front of the man who still loved me. Ming wasn't my fated mate and I wasn't his and yet his Alpha pride had been badly wounded. I'd chosen an Omega, an enemy over him and he wasn't about to forgive and let us be. He must have known that the only thing that would hurt me sufficiently would be to take away my child, and with his, my happiness and reason to live. Though at first I hadn't been able to catch a whiff of a single familiar scent, at least I'd

known the direction I should be running in, so I'd set off back towards the shore and Pulau Singa Besar, hoping to shorten the distance between us. I'd run for the entire day, drawing on

some supernatural source of energy that propelled me forward despite my exhaustion. It had been nearly sunset when I'd finally recognized his smell among the rest of the hilly, rocky terrain's scents. It was definitely him. Ming and another wolf. Though I couldn't exactly place the smell of his companion with a face, it was familiar enough that I knew it was someone from the Silver Moon.

The strange thing was that as much as I strained my nose, I couldn't capture Wayo's sweet baby scent. It was making me that much more nervous and forced me to run even faster. What had they done to him to obscure his smell? Had they painted him soft, sensitive skin with animal blood or had they rubbed it with herbs and pine resin? My

blood boiled at the thought and I pushed off the ground even harder, completely ignoring my bleeding paw.

As the sky turned orange, then fuchsia, then lavender, I became aware of another strange phenomenon. Ming's signature scent was becoming much more intense, much faster than normal. Either I was moving way more quickly after them or they'd stopped to rest which

would be expected with a baby on their hands. I felt like I'd reach them within minutes, but I forced myself to stop anyway. I had to think of a way to hide my own smell as I approached them or I'd lose any advantage I could have. They were two after all and both

of them smelled of vigorous Alphas. Even after I'd stopped, their scent kept approaching towards me. What the hell was going on? Why were they moving in my direction? I didn't have time to hide. They must

have smelled me already and turned back to attack me. I wasn't about to run away, so I planted my paws in the hard soil and crouched down in the dry tall grass, waiting. My heart was about to jump out of my chest as I listened to the silence in the dark until I finally discerned their breathing. They were so close, only seconds separated our clash

now. I flashed my fangs into a snarl and my claws shot out in preparation for the attack. The fur on my back rose and I lowered myself on my hind legs, ready to spring forward.

Just as the huge animal silhouette came at me through the air, I pushed myself hard off the ground and jumped forward to meet him mid air. We curled up into a ball, landing and rolling in the grass, each of us trying to get on top of the other and dig his fangs in the

other's vulnerable spots. A second wolf appeared and joined in the fight, biting the back of my neck, his gurgling breath reverberating in my ears. I was clearly overpowered and yet I kept struggling under the weight of the two Alphas, pushing and scratching and biting every surface that came my way. My exhaustion had reached its highest point and I'd already started picturing Beam stranded alone in the shed in the woods, waiting for me and hoping I'd bring our son back, when I allowed the fear to enter my mind. I was losing this fight. He was going to wait in vain. I had failed him and Wayo and my own self.

My Destiny Mate by ARIE78 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now