Chapter 4 Forth

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Something was clearly up with Beam. I'd started keeping an even closer eye on him than before when I suspected him of coming to the island for the wrong reasons. Two weeks had passed since our nightly encounter in the woods and I'd barely exchanged a couple of words with him. I craned my neck and scanned the crowd, not paying much attention to what I was stuffing my breakfast tray with. When I finally spotted him amid the morning commotion in the kitchen house, he was wearing his new usual expression, a distracted, distant look in his eyes as if something weighed heavily on him. I wished we could just talk like normal people. Was it the sex? It couldn't be. He'd been moaning like a maniac. He'd completely lost himself in his climax. Of that I was sure. Was he confused about his feelings then? After that night, at least I knew I wasn't. I was more than certain that he was my fated mate and I was dying to share more than a roof and a few mumbled good night-s with him. The experience had shaken me to the core and I knew I could never make fun of the fated mates thing again. It was true and it had happened to me. I'd met my other half. Since that night, Beam had got into the habit of getting up before sunrise and sneaking out of the cabin while I was still sleeping. He'd spend the entire day cooped up in the day care house, coming home so late at night, I'd already gone to bed again. The only times I actually saw him were these short moments in the kitchen house and even then he always came up with excuses, claiming he was in a hurry or not feeling well. He sat exclusively with the nursing staff, but even with them, he was silent and reclusive. I'd had enough of this crap. I was an Alpha after all, and I'd been acting like a love-sick puppy, waiting for my mate to come to his senses, giving him space and time. Well, no more. I was going to approach him after breakfast and ask him what the hell was going on.

I picked a seat from where I could see him and started to absent-mindedly chew my bacon, ready to jump at any sign that he was done with his breakfast. I was on edge, unable to enjoy the greasy bits I swallowed on impulse. I noticed he wasn't much into his food either. He'd pick a piece of fruit (Fruit? What kind of wolf ate fruit for breakfast?), bring it up to his mouth, then wrinkle his nose at it and discard it back in the plate. One of the nurses put a glass of milk in front of him and he thanked her with a light nod, but when he tipped the glass to his lips, his face lost color and then turned a greenish hue that had me worried. He looked into the distance, concentrated on some invisible spot on the wall, and then suddenly he bolted from his seat and disappeared into the washing room.

I waited and waited for him to come out of there, though I was long done with my meal, but there was no sign of him even when the rest of his nurse companions had left their table. His tray lay abandoned, his food barely touched, and there was no sign of him.

Finally, I lost my patience and stormed into the washing room only to find it deserted. Shit. He'd slipped past me again. He was one sneaky Omega. I came out of the kitchen house furious and headed straight for the day care. I was going to talk to him even if that meant dragging him out of the building in front of his colleagues and friends.

"Hey Forth," someone called after me right when my hand was about to push the nursery's door open.

"Came to admire our little ones?" It was Fah.

"Well... Um, that too, but I was actually looking for Beam. Is he around? It's urgent."

"No, he wasn't feeling too well at breakfast. He said he was going back home to lie down for a bit, but I gave him the whole day off. He's kind of indispensable around here, but we'll manage a day without him. Tell him to feel better if you see him, alright?"

"Sure," I said over my shoulder.

I was already running out of the building and back onto the village square. Finally. I was going to corner him in the privacy of the cabin and get him to talk to me. When I finally reached the cabin, I could sense he was already there. It wasn't just his delicious scent that never failed to fill me with the urgent need to be close to him. I could also hear him-cabinet doors were slamming, metal containers fell to the floor with a shrill clatter, he cursed loudly (something I'd never heard him do before). What was he doing?

My Destiny Mate by ARIE78 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now