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"ugh, shut up" I groggily say reaching for my phone to turn off this annoying ass sound I have to hear every day.

I finally get it to turn off and lazily open one eye to see if its actually time to get up, or if I'm just hearing things. But just my fucking luck, it was 6:00 am and time for me to get up and be a human again.

"Maybe I can miss today?" I say to myself trying to figure out a way to miss school today. During my thought process, I hear a ding on my phone.

Mona: Wake up time lazy ass, we got a test today in English

Me: Is it important?

Mona: Well its a quarterly so... yep

Well shit, that ruins my plans to skip today.

I finally get out of bed and walk over to my closet to try and find something to wear. I'm not really feeling anything but wearing jeans and a shirt today, so I put on my usual black t-shirt and some basic black jeans and, go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, put on my eyeliner, then head to the kitchen.

The smell of coffee instantly hits my nose and I know my mom is up. I find her sitting at the table going through the mail with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Hey Alise" she greeted me with a warm smile. "Have you eaten yet? you need to eat something before you go" she says basically forcing food down my throat already. Since I was a kid my mom has always made sure I ate something. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere unless I ate something before I went. I get it though, although she never talks about it that much, my mom had it hard growing up. She had a family of five, and her mom was a struggling single mom that barely made enough to support her kids, and pay the bills. So sometimes they didn't have enough and would have to scrounge for food. She told me she never wants us to go through that, so she worked her ass off trying to make sure me and my sister Kyla had a good life, and never went hungry.

"No, I'm just gonna grab a protein bar and eat at school, love you bye," I say kissing her cheek, grabbing my keys and rushing out of the door before she can argue.

I jump into the car and back out of the driveway heading down the road to go pick up Mona and Jace. They live walking distance from each other so Jace just walks to Mona's house so I can pick them both up at the same time.

Mona has been my best friend since elementary school when she kissed me during nap time in the fifth grade. Now I know what you're thinking, and no Mona is not gay or my girlfriend. She's as straight as they come, but I still tease her about the kiss whenever she gets on my nerves.

We met Jace Freshman year of High School, at a Senior party, me and Mona were invited to. Jace was the only guy there that wasn't a drunk, and a horny slob. He looked just as bored as us so we went over to him, introduced ourselves and started making fun of the drunk people around us.

I get to mona's house and they both get into the car arguing.

"The fuck are you talking about Jace? Halsey is way hotter then Selena Gomez" Mona says getting into the front seat.

"What do you mean, what am I talking about? I'm just stating simple facts, Selena out hots Halsey any day" Jace says getting into the back seat.

"Al, talk some sense into this boy," Mona says looking at me now.

"Why do you even care, aren't you straight," I say not wanting to get into this pointless argument.

"Just because I would never sleep with Halsey doesn't mean I don't notice her superior looks, Now answer the damn question," she says impatiently.

"Alright... I have to give it to Halsey, I've wanted her for years now"

"HA, I TOLD YOU HALSEY IS HOTTER!" Mona says rubbing her win in Jace's face.

"You guys don't know what you're talking about, Selena has been the number one hottest celebrity since Wizards of the place"

I and Mona both look at each other at the same time and burst out laughing.

"The fuck is wrong with you guys," Jace says completely confused.

"It's Wizards of Waverly place dumbass," I say between laughs.

"You know what I meant," he says trying to save his ass.

"Get out of my car," I say jokingly as I pull into my parking space at school.

We all get out of the car and head into the campus, me and Mona have the first period together so we say our goodbyes to Jace and head towards English.

We walk into class, and the teacher is already starting instruction so everyone looks in our direction. But once they see it's me and mona they look away, some still stare but I'm used to that. Our usual spot in the back is left open, so we hurriedly go and sit down. People know never to sit there. I mean it's not like if they did I would actually beat them up or anything, even though most people think I would. People fear me because of what they heard, not because of what they actually know. I don't even care about what people say about me so I just let them say what they want. Not giving a fuck hasn't ever not benefited me, so why stop now.

"Alright class, turn off your phones, put them in your bags, and put your bags at the front of the class. We're having a quarterly today." Mr.Riverton said to the class.

"I hope you studied," Mona said leaning over before getting up to put up her bag.

She knows I never study my mentality is, if I know it, then I know it if I don't then oh well. I have good enough grades to graduate so it really doesn't matter.

I get up to put up my bag after waiting for everyone else cause you know... people. As I set down my bag, I hear the door open.

"Hello, you must be the new student" Mr. Riverton greets whoever walked into the class.

I look up to see who it is, and my eyes instantly go wide at the beauty in front of me.

"Uh, yeah hi....I'm Rayna," she says awkwardly. "Rayna Sam"

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