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There was an old woman who lived alone in a quiet clearing. She lived alone with her dog. One night she went to sleep late because she was watching a movie. Every night before she goes to sleep, her dog licks her hand to say goodnight. She got into bed and got that lick and went to sleep. She woke up to a dripping noise, drip, drop, drip, drop. She ignored it, got that lick and went back to sleep. Later she woke up again to the same dripping noise. She was begining to get annoyed but still got that lick and went back to sleep. Again she woke up to the same noise. But this time, she was so irritated that she got up and headed to the bathroom. Thinking it was the foset that was leaking she walked into the bathroom. But when she went in she saw her dog hanging in the shower and blood dripping from his neck. The blood was the dripping noise the whole time and the person that hung the dog was the person in the old lady's room that night.

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