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To Start, I'd like to say that you DO NOT need an altar or tools to practice, your personal energy is enough! If you decide to use tools and/or an altar, cleanse all of your items before putting them in your space!

For Closet Witches:
When making a 'shoe box' altar, be sure to incorporate things that you feel drawn to and that seem to just call upon you. You can use an old altoid can, a small box, a jewelry box, or even a makeup bag.

For example, I use a makeup bag and an old necklace case. my case includes: a thimble, a piece of a sea shell, sea salt, rubbed sage, bay leaves, an amber stone, a pink colored stone (that i have yet to identify), and a small tea light along with a couple matches.
My makeup bag has writing tools and matches.

For Out Witches:
Your altar is YOUR space. It can be as big and cluttered or as small and minimalist as you'd like. Again, Use things that you're drawn to. You can set up an offering tray if you work with spirits or deities, jars or baggies filled with herbs or rocks/crystals.

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