Chapter 10

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I saw her body tense up as her friend face palms and i stare down at her with a little amount of hurt but i cover it up. She slowly turns around with a fake smile batting her eyelashes.

"Uh what are you doing all up in my mouth." I clench the book tighter in my hand. Saying through clenched teeth
"Please step to the side with me i need to show you what you need to work on."

She scoffs folding her arms over her chest and i almost want to smack that smirk off her face but i keep my composure.

"Um we can talk about it here it shouldn't matter."

I chuckle slightly raising my eyebrows

"Well sure, I'll let your friends know how you're below average and it's the beginning of the school year."

Her friends "ooh's" in the background as she stands up smacking her lips walking away.

I follow right behind her trying my best not to stare at her rear end. Why the fuck does she wear such baggy clothes. I get they comfortable but-

Running into a hard wall stops my movement and it groans....wait...walls do NOT make any sounds.

I jump up quickly looking down noticing that we stopped and i accidentally trampled over Dez

"Damn gorilla headass." She gets up wiping the invisible dust from her clothes.

"That's no way to speak to your teacher."

She looks at me then looks away before looking at me again.

"AND YOU THINK KISSING ME IS A WAY TO-" i jump forward covering her mouth with the book.

"Shut the hell up that's what i came to talk to you about, you promise not to yell."

She nods her head slowly as i remove my hand from her mouth cautiously.

She glares at me before folding her arms over hee chest.

"Sooo I'm not failing?"

I shake my head "no i just needed an excuse to get you alone so we can talk bout what happened."

She shakes her head shrugging
"naw its coo ya made it loud and clear that you regretted it, whats there more to talk about."

She hurt i can tell but she hiding it behind a mask and i dont blame her.

"I didnt mean it like that it's just imma teacher and you're a student. Its against the law."


Hmmmm against the law? I wonder what she means by that..... Im gonna find out and she's gonna be mine no matter what she'll love me and i grantee that.

They walk off with a smirk quietly


"Then why kiss me?!? what was your whole purpose? to play with my feelings or something? know what i aint even gon trip. it aint happen yo just leave me the fuck alone."

i push past her our height differences causing her shoulder to bump into my chest. Out of nowhere i feel a hand wrap around my neck and slam me against the wall.

A Whimper falls from my lips and i open my eyes looking down at seeing her, Her eyes darkened as she glares at me sending a shiver down my spine.

"Dont you EVER DISRESPECT ME LIKE THAT AGAIN." She yells and my eyes widen as my boxers become damp.

"shut up stop yelling the fuck is wrong with you we gon get caught." i hiss lowly gripping her wrist trying to get her to let go.

"oh so now you're worried about about getting caught." she raises an eyebrow with a sly smirk upon her face.

i wiggle and squirm around trying to get out her hold feeling her hand tighten WHERE THE FUCK ARE STUDENT WHEN YOU NEED THEM HOES.

"listen here and listen well i dont care who ya are what you not finna do is disrespect me on my territor-" she drops me and cough before straightening her shirt and walking away.

" ill see you in last hour ms.Stars."

i stare at her disappearing figure panting hard trying to catch my breath looking around noticing how there isn't any niggas who caught that. Then i look at the walls and the ceiling seeing no type of surveillance cameras. what the fuck type of school is this... a broke ass school.

"DES WHAT CHU STANDING OUT HERE LOOKING DUMB FOR." my body get consumed with fury as i recognized who's voice that belong to.

i start speed walking with clenched fist trying to get away from ALEX BALD HEADED ASS. A hand wraps around my neck again and im pull back into a chest.

Her warm breath dances along my skin as she whispers. "Now you know i hate it when you run away, right?" okay that had a double meaning to it but i cant help as my body relaxes into hers

As her intensifying scent fills my nose. "Let me the fuck go you fucking asshole, cheating ass bitch ass ho-"

My words stopped as the wind got knocked out of me as my face collided with a locker and her hand pressing the back of my head with my arms behind my back.

" i advise you to keep that potty mouth shut or i'll have to spank you infront of the whole school, bare ass"

my knees buck and i almost fall but i stand my ground remember who i was. I grab her wrist kicking my leg back hitting her in her kneecap and her grips loosens and i swing her around smashing her into the locker.

"Dont fucking touch me ever again in your life dawg." i push her one more time before walking away accidentally bumping into someone.

"AYE WATCH WHERE THE FU-" i turn seeing ajaay and stare into her eyes.

"well aint cha being a prick?" she folds her arms over her chest. okay i dont know what prick means but it seems bad so imma take offense to it.

" i am not a prick" i pout and fold my arms turning away from her.

"you don't even know what that mea-"

"Desire stars please come to the main office, Desire stars pleas come to the main office."

i groan walking away from her stomping to the office slamming the door open and i see who it is i almost drop dead


A/N I FINALLY UPDATE AFTER WHO KNOWS HOW LONG, SORRY IF IT'S TOO SHORT...JUST LIKE THE PERSON WHO FORCED ME TO UPDATE but hope it was too the liking ill try to update more...not a promise though MY FAULT FOR ERRORS TOO


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