Chapter 30

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Jacks POV:

Oh my gosh what do we do what do we do ? I am freaking out now and I can't handle this anymore this is a absolutely insane.

" jack come on , let's take her to the hospital she can't stay like this it's too dangerous " corbyn said looking at me and the guys.

" what about Logan ? " Zach said.

" someone will wait here with Jake until Logan comes and gets him, he should be on his flight already " I said.

" Danny I think you shouldn't stay here, I don't want you guys to fight again when he wakes up" Jonah said. I think all of us were pretty mad at this point so it was best if non of us stayed. Jake couldn't find us anyways. Daniel was feeling a bit weak from everything that just happened so he couldn't carry lily, I helped out and decided to carry her. We called an Uber and asked him to rush to the hospital.

Lily's POV:

All I can hear was a beep beep beep sound replaying at the back of my head. What the hell ? Where was I ? Wait I dead ? I couldn't tell what was going on and I didn't remember what had happened, or who I was with. All I know is that I'm being kept somewhere. It's hard for me to open my eyes they're heavy and I couldn't open it as much as I tried to. I felt a burning sensation on my stomach and my cheek. What on earth is going on here and then I heard this.

" lil, please wake up ..... you're stronger than this , you don't deserve any of this. I miss you so damn much already and I wish I could have done something to prevent this from happening. Lil ....I am seriously in love with you and I don't want you to leave my side because I know I sure as hell won't leave yours"

I tried to say something back but I couldn't, my mouth was too heavy to open. I tried a million times but I didn't have the energy to do so, but I did know who it was....Daniel .... as soon as I thought about his name everything came back to me. Jake , the guys , the pain , the torture. Hold on....did he just say he's in love with me ?

Logan's POV:

My flight landed and I immediately ran to my Uber, I was making sure he took me to the right place. Zach had gave me the address and something was telling me that I wasn't ready to see what I was about to walk into. About 10 minutes passed by and I arrived at the place. I didn't bring anything with me because of how rushed I was. I jumped out of the Uber and quickly ran upstairs looking for her apartment number. The door swung open and what I saw was really disturbing. There was Jake laying on the floor with blood coming down his head. The whole house looked destroyed there were broken things on the floor and there was ropes and a chair in the middle with blood all over it. Jake seemed like he was dead... my heart began to race, I ran to check his pulse it was there but it was faint. Where are the others ? I decided to rush Jake to the hospital only because he's my brother and no matter what he does he will still have a spot in my heart. We are blood after all. I rushed him into the Uber and headed to the hospital.

Once we got there the nurses rushed him in and I was later found waiting in the waiting room, when I saw the guys sitting across me except for Daniel. I quickly rushed to them.

" hey boys what are you guys doing here ? Where's lily is she in the hospital !?, and where's Daniel are they hurt tell me everything" I said all in one breathe and then jack started speaking out.

" look I'm sorry man but Jake is a dick, all this time they've been together it was all bullshit, she was never happy with him. He was always abusive to her and look where he made her end up " jack said looking around the hospital. I wanted to cry so bad. I was stuck between two rocks, I couldn't forgive Jake for what he did but at the same time he was my brother. Lily never deserved this as much as Jake being my brother that was actually a dick move. He's going to ruin our careers.

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