Chapter 5 | Not my slice of cake

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here's an apology chap for that mean ass note I left in the chap bfr. this is all I have left in my drafts for this fic o7

Disclaimer: I don't own HxH only my OC's. And my plot. 'Tis mine.


The sky was bright and the birds twittered happily as slowly, the ones who would make it and had kept up, wanna-be Hunters filtered out of the tunnel. Shokura sighed happily as she bent backwards, pulling off a handstand then a back flip to stretch out her muscles that had cramped during the relatively shirt run.

Glancing around her, she found that most of the others were panting. That made sense, as the light walk had turned into a jig then full in sprinting near the last fifteen or so meters. All in all, it had been a nice warmer-uper.

Shokura spotted Histoka leaning idly against the opening of the tunnel, talking to a man with at least twenty pins in his face. The pins stretched all over the mans body and his aura gave off one of high prestige.

A Zolilok.

A quick scan of Killua and then the man brought her to the conclusion that the man was one of Killua's brothers, probably Illumini, and that the boy didn't know his elder was there. Which was kind of sad for a child assassin. Weren't they meant to be constantly vigil and alert?

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