A New Beginning

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    Jaylyn woke up and looked around her home. She could've sworn she had heard a noise outside. Then she heard a few knocks on the door.

    "Who is it?" she asked, hand on the doorknob.

    "The Power Rangers," Jason answered.

    Jaylyn opened the door to see her five best friends, Jason, Kimberly, Trini, Zack, and Billy. She let them into her house and closed the door.

    "So, what's up?" she asked them as they sat at her kitchen table.

    "We saw a news broadcast from New York City. They need the Power Rangers to team up with the Avengers," Kimberly said.

    "Hmm. How would we get there without raising suspicion?" Jaylyn asked. "I won't be missed since I live alone here. But you five... you can't disappear into the blue."

    "We could just say we were going to go on a trip with you and your family," Billy suggested.

    "Even if your parents bought that, how would we get to New York City?" Jaylyn pointed out.

    "I could pay for the two of us. Tickets, I mean. The others can pay for their own," Jason offered.

    "Sounds good," Trini said.

    "Let's see if it works. Get packed up. Meet here in an hour," Jaylyn told her team.

    Everyone nodded and went their separate ways. Jaylyn quickly threw her clothes and other things into a single suitcase to take with her. When she was ready, she meet up outside in the meadow a mile from her home with her suitcase. There, she waited. When the others arrived, they had their own suitcases and tickets. Jason held out Jaylyn's ticket as he set his bag down.

    "Thanks," Jaylyn muttered as she took the ticket.

    "Let's go," Billy stated.

    They got into the new van that Billy now owned. Jaylyn was driving, Jason in the shotgun seat. The other four were in the back, the luggage in the trunk. Upon reaching the airport, they parked and got out. They went in and found their flight number. They barely made it onto the plane, having arrived about ten minutes before the departure. They got seats as close to each other as possible. The whole ride to New York City left Jaylyn lots of time to think.

    Who were the Avengers? Were they able to keep a secret? Were they going to need them to help with something? If so, what did they need help with? What would everyone back home think?

    These questions and others flew through Jaylyn's head as they continued on to the New York City airport. The rest of the team noticed Jaylyn's silence and made a note to not disturb her. When they landed, the got off and looked around. Then they saw a dark skinned man with an eyepatch over his left eye. He was looking right at the Power Rangers.

    "I think that's who we need to go to. I'm just guessing by the fact that he's looking directly at us and no one else," Jaylyn said. "Let me do the talking."

    And so started the Power Rangers' next adventure.

Stand By Each Other (A Power Rangers/Avengers Story) Book 2(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now