1 | When We Meet

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First day on a new school. I wasn't exited at all but i couldn't skip class.
When i arrived to the school i was so lost. People were moving from one place to another so fast and i didn't know where to find my classroom. I saw a guy coming on my direction. He was tall and kind of handsome.

I saw a guy and he was so lost, and i though that was funny. I came close to him to see i he needed some help.

- Hey, Are you lost?-
- Uh... yeah, really lost-
-Haha let me help you, my name is Yoongi-
-Nice to meet you, my name is Jimin- he was cute but not too serious.
-I'll help you find your class, lets go...-

We walk a few minutes and them we stoped in-front of a big building

-Well, here it is. Room 803, Biology class-
-Thank you-
-Welcome, see ya!-

After i said goodbye i got into the classroom. I was shocked! There was a guy sitting on top of a desk. He was wearing a white shirt, black jeans and black shoes. He was handsome i have to admit. He steered at me.

JUNGKOOK's POVA guy got into the room

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A guy got into the room. He was short but in a cute way. He was a white shirt, a black winter hat, black jeans and glasses. He was hot . I blushed when i realized i was looking at him a lot.

-Hey, are you new? I've never seen you around before?- Jungkook asked-Yeah, i just arrived here- Jimin answered -Well

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-Hey, are you new? I've never seen you around before?- Jungkook asked
-Yeah, i just arrived here- Jimin answered
-Well...- he walked towards him
Jimim blushed a lot
Jungkook bit his low lip - Nice to meet you, im Jungkook-

The teacher got into the room, Jimin couldn't answere .The class started and Jungkook sat down behind Jimin looking straight to him.

I could fell Jungkook's look on me. I blushed the hole class and i felt awkward. After the class was finished Jungkook walked next to my desk and he left a note on it
"JungKook34. Add me"

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