7 | The Reason

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I haven't write for a while and i decide to do it because i don't know who should i tell this... I almost kiss Jungkook this afternoon after class. He was too close that out lips were almost touching. I was frozen i couldn't move at all. My heart beat raised a lot and so as my respiration. Jungkook make me feel in a way i didn't felt in a long long time... im not sure if its the write thing to feel but i can't help get lost into his eyes and have the necessity to kiss him every time were're together.
In other news , my birthday is in one week, October 13th. I'm not exited or happy as im always are but i have the feeling that this year something good is coming...

The next day after i almost kissed Jimin j got so mad with Taehyung. I have this i don't know what that make me thing he made it on purpose, like if he didn't want me to kiss him.
I ignore Tae the hole first period and then i went to my second period.. PE. I was changing when Jimin arrived . I talk without thinking first
-Hey, uhm im sorry about what happened yesterday Jiminie...- i said
-Its ok Jungkook- he took his clothes and went to the bathroom without saying another word.

After PE we have lunch so i decide to go and make things clear with Jimin.

Every since Jungkook talked to me i feel the need to kiss him and just.... ahg! Stop thinking about him!! You can't fall in love with Jungkook .. you can't

I am 7 years old. I am playing on the yard with my toys when i see a cute boy on my neighbors yard. He's cute and pretty i can say. I get close to talk to him
-Hello, im Jimin- i said   
-Hi- he answer
-You're pretty-
-Thank you- the boy reply
-Wanna come an play with me?- i asked
-Sure!- he reply
We play hours without resting. His mom was calling him so he had to go
-I liked playing with you jimin- he said
-I like it to- i walked to him and hugged him
He reply my hug .
My dad went out of the house in our direction
-PARK JIMIN! - he look so mad and i don't know why - Stay away!- he told to my friend
-But daddy... - i said
He grabbed my arm so hard that it hurt
-Daddy stop! It hurts!- i scream
He took me inside the house
-Jimin you can't hug boys!- he said very angry
-Why not? He's my friend and i like him...- he punch my face after that
-You can't like boys Jimin! You can't fall in love with boys! You can't!!!- he said punching me once and then twice....


Jungkook walked toward Jimin. He was so nervous but didn't care. He sat down next to him.
-Hello Jiminie- Jungkook say
-Hi...- Jimin said without looking at him
-Oh 'cmon talk to me, we're friends-
-Uh... ok- Jimin turned to look at him.
-What are you studying? - Jungkook asked
-Math, im very bad at it- Jimin reply
-Well its your lucky day. I have A+  on math, i'll be happy to help- Jungkook said
-Really? great! - Jimin reply
-So.... should i go to your house...-
-No!- Jimin screamed. He knew if he dear yo take Jungkook to his house his dad will ruin everyting
-Okey... then my apartment. Okey?- Jungkook said
-Yeah...- Jimin felt release .
-See you there at 5:30 pm Jiminie. Take your books and all your materials- Jungkook said

He had a plan and this time no one would ruin it

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