An Unnecessary Call

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"Hello... uhm yeah.. N~o.... i need to talk to Park Jimin. It's important..... my name?..... Jeon Jungkook....... Hello?"

It was the fifth time i called looking for Jimin. I though i could call him and he could come to the funeral but he didn't reply my texts and he didn't answer my calls at all.

Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok were going to the funeral. I talked with Hoseok about inviting Yoongi's parents but he didn't know anything about them.

(One week later)
At the Funeral

(One week later)At the Funeral

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"Life has an end. We choose how we live it. The young men Min Yoon Gi had a hard life but he git really good friends. He was loved and we will all miss him for sure. God has everyones life planned....."

I stoped listening to the men and i looked to the coffin that had Yoongi inside. He was a good men, he didn't deserved this. Maybe things could've been different if i hadn't gone to the airport or maybe if i hadn't call him.
But i felt that the one that has to be in that coffin was me, not Yoongi.

-"Sir it's your turn"-
-"Uh?"- i looked up and everyone was looking straight to me.
-"It's your turn to say some words"- the men repeated.

I came in front of everyone but no words came out. I just had my mouth opened while everyone was standing at me.

-"Well, since you won't talk... Is someone named "Park Jimin" here?"- he asked.
-"Oh yeah"- a woman that was approaching said.
-"Is Jimin here?"- i asked desperate.
-"Uh no. He send a letter"- she said giving it to me.
-"Is it for Yoongi?"- i asked
-"Uh he said for someone named Jungkook"- she said and looked at me -"Is that you?"-
-"Y~yes.."- i said.

I took the paper and started reading it

"Dear Jungkook:

You have no idea of how hard this is for me. But i have to be honest and i have to go straight to the main point. I don't want to see you again. Do not text me. Do not call me. Do not try anything that is related to me.
You've already ruined a big part of my life . I don't want you to ruin what it's left.

-Park Jimin "

And that was it. Tears falling all over the paper.  A broken heart. And a guy who lost everything.

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