11 | Pretty Boy

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Maybe saying i was the happiest man on Earth was kind of selfish but that was the way Jungkook made me feel all the time.
It was October 13, my birthday. I was turning 20 finally.
My phone buzzed

Good Morning to my bday boy💗

Hi Kookie

Get ready bc i have lots of plans for tonight. Its Friday AND YOUR BIRTHDAY

Omg its just another birthday ... chill

Its my boyfriends birthday. Im fucking happy

Language Kookie
I' gotta go. I have Math class and that test we " studied" for

Ohh good luck with that.

Bye Kookie


After i talked to Kookie i went to my test . It wasn't as hard as i though it would be. My next classes passed by so fast and then lunch time. Jungkook said he wouldn't see me until tonight so i was with Yoongi
-So.... it is official now?- he asked
-Uhm i guess.... started just two days ago- i reply
-love..... eww - He said and we both laugh - Oh Jimin! Let me introduce you to...-
-His super official boyfriend- a guy interrupted- im Hoseok but calme Jhope or Yoongi's couple-
-Wait whaaaat!- i said - Are yo dating?- i asked
-Yup- Yoongi reply - Since last year actually but we keep it on secret because or the rumors etc etc...- he said
-So Yoongi actually has a heart..- i said and we all laughed.

After lunch i went to my other two periods with no problem but i was kind of exited for tonight.
It was 3:00 pm and i arrived home
-Mom Im here!- i said . She appeared with a cake and a birthday hat. She was the woman of my life and one of the persons i love the most
-Aww mom thank you- i said
-I can't believe you're 20 already...- she said happy. My dad appeared after that
-Well uhm congratulations soon. You're officially an adult now so you must start thinking of... - my mom interrupted
-Oh come on! Let my baby enjoy his birthday-
-Thanks mom...- i reply
-Ohh by the way. There's a box on your room with the initials " JK" i hope she's pretty...- she smiled. Oh mom i can assure you HE is .

I went up stairs to my room, when i got in there was a box on my bed with a message
"I'll pick you up at 8, wear this- JK "
I opened the box and a really expensive suit was inside
-Damn....- i said for myself.

I took a long shower, i shaved and got my hair done. After i while i was ready to go

It was 8 o clock and Jungkook arrived really well dressed

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It was 8 o clock and Jungkook arrived really well dressed. He looked so handsome  . He had flowers on his hand and an adorable smile on his face

 He had flowers on his hand and an adorable smile on his face

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-Wow...- he said - You look better than i thought....- and smiled
-You look... amazing, just incredible- i reply
-Ready to go?- he asked
-Ready- i reply
We got both into the car and he took me to a very fancy restaurant. We ate dinner and he talked the hole time about how handsome i was.
-I have another surprise for you...- he said paying the check - Lets go- . We got up and i followed him.

We ended in a park, it was pretty with big green trees and lots of grass everywhere and even a lake.
-Why are we here?- i asked
-Well Jimin, 1. Its your birthday and you deserve the best and 2. You look amazing under the moonlight....- he reply. I blushed.
He got close and took my hand
-I know we 've been together only two days but i feel like its been so long... Jimin i love you- he smiled - Yeah.... i think i love you anymore  not scared anymore to say it-
I smiled - Jungkook.... i love you too. Thank you for such an amazing night- i reply. He smiled.
He took my face and gave me a sweet kiss fool of love and passion. Every time Jungkook kissed me i got lost as if all the world stoped and we were the only ones there.
He took a step back and took something out from his pocket
-My last gift....- he opened and a bracelet was there, two actually. There where black and made of leader . Wonderfull

-Wear this and i'll be with you every time- he saidI smiled and put the bracelet on - I will- We kissed a lot more and then he drove me home

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-Wear this and i'll be with you every time- he said
I smiled and put the bracelet on - I will-
We kissed a lot more and then he drove me home.

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