Chapter 1

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(Thomas' POV)

"So what do we do now?" Aris asked, both him and Newt looking at the others before stopping at me. I was  about to answer when someone spoke up behind them.

"You'll be coming with us." a man in a suit said.

"And just who do you bloody think you are!?" Newt shouted

"Agent Morgan, with the FBI. Now lets go." the agent demanded.

"We're not going anywhere shank." Minho stated.

"Listen kid, we're only trying to help." he said as the other men closed in on them.

"Well how 'bout you listen klunk-face, we don't need your shucking help!" I shouted angrily. Just then each of them went down, being caught by an agent behind them.

(2 days later)

(Aris' POV)

I just woke up about 9 minutes ago. Someone said that the others are awake too, but we aren't allowed to leave the rooms, at least not yet as they said. But I'm in a room with Thomas and Newt, so I can't complain.

"Nnnhh, W-Where are we?" I Heard Thomas ask.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Newt asked immediately after waking after Thomas.

"Not sure, I only woke up a few minutes before you too." I explained. Then someone came in, and all our talking stopped immediately.

"Hello boys, how are you all feeling today?" the lady asked.

"Better if you'd leave us alone." Thomas snapped.

"Well, you boys can go get some food, its only down the hall to your left, the others have already been sent there, and when you're done you will be interviewed immediately after." She announced, before leaving. We decided to wait several minutes before going to eat.

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